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Diesel and Bio Diesel in Southern Vermont and New Hampshire

Our commitment to the environment carries through to our fleet of service vans, delivery trucks and septic service trucks. The majority of our vehicles run on Bio Diesel. The switch from gasoline powered service vans to Bio Diesel powered vans has raised our van fleet average from 9 MPG to over 20 MPG. The use of Bio Diesel has allowed us to reduce the amount of foreign oil we consume, while promoting and supporting the American farmer.

Choose Bio Diesel

Do you have large equipment for commercial and farm applications? HB can deliver off road diesel and Bio Diesel. The use of off road diesel and Bio Diesel can result in significant savings on road fuels, due to the high taxes from Federal and State levels.  Depending of the volume of use, many farms and companies can save hundreds to thousands of tax dollars through bulk discounts and tax savings.

What is Bio Diesel?

Bio Diesel, commonly referred to as B100 or "neat" Bio Diesel, is the cleaner burning alternative fuel. Bio Diesel fuel is the only alternative fuel to fully complete health effects testing requirements of the Clean Air Act. It reduces compounds linked to cancer by 80 – 90%.

  • Bio Diesel provides the highest energy content of any alternative fuel
  • Bio Diesel offers significantly improved lubricity
  • Bio Diesel demonstrates similar fuel economy, horsepower and torque as petroleum

It is simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulfur and aromatics.

Our Bio Diesel Delivery Area

If you have further questions about using Bio Diesel, give HB Energy Solutions a call any time.