Archive for June, 2017

Do I Need Air Conditioning Repairs?

Monday, June 19th, 2017

AC-techs-at-workWhen dealing with your air conditioner, the last thing that you want to do is wait for it to break down entirely before you have any issues with it repaired. The good news is that there are a number of different warning signs that you may notice which can tip you off to the need for repairs. The bad news is that these warning signs are fairly useless if you don’t know what it is that you are looking for. That is why we want to share some tips with you that can help you to recognize the need for air conditioning repairs in Woodstock, VT.

While our summer season may pale in comparison to the legendary cold of our winters, that is no reason to put your comfort at risk when the heat really starts to rise. When you do spot the need for air conditioning repairs, the next step is to hire trained professionals that you can trust to complete those repairs for you. The expert technicians on our staff definitely fit the bill, so call at the very first sign of trouble!


How Fresh Is Your Air Conditioning Filter?

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

man-with-filterHopefully the answer to the question posed in the title of this post is “as clean as it needs to be.” If you have explored this blog or our website, you know that we do not advocate for DIY services when it comes to your HVAC systems. This includes the routine air conditioning maintenance that your system will need to excel in its operation and to function at peak efficiency levels. While the vast majority of your air conditioning maintenance should be left to trained professionals, there is one important task to handle on your own.

This is to keep a fresh air filter in your air conditioner in Bellows Falls, VT. This may sound like a minor point of consideration to you, but trust us. If you fail to keep a fresh filter in your air conditioning system, your air conditioner is going to fail you in a number of ways. The effects may not be instant, and your system may not break down entirely just because you missed a single filter change. Over time, though, you can expect to encounter various problems.
