Posts Tagged ‘Heating’
Monday, May 17th, 2021
Summer is almost upon us! It might seem silly to even be thinking about our heating systems this time of the year, but if you’ve been here all winter long and into spring, then you were using yours pretty consistently, right? Our heaters do certainly get a lot of work, and therefore they need an adequate amount of care.
This means heating maintenance, first and foremost. You should be doing some small maintenance tasks on your own, such as changing out the air filter and making sure the heating system itself and your vents are unobstructed so airflow isn’t restricted. But you should also be scheduling professional heating maintenance once a year.
During this service, our technicians thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it, all while looking for small repair needs and alerting you to them so you can get them on your schedule sooner rather than later. If you had this service done already last fall, then you may already know what repair needs you have or maybe you already took care of them. But if you skipped the tune-up, you should heed these end-of-season repair needs now so you don’t have to worry about an ineffective heater next fall. (more…)
Tags: Bellows Falls, Heating
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Monday, December 28th, 2020
While we’ve been gearing everyone up to get ready for another cold winter here in Acworth, we also want to take a break to talk about some best practices for your furnace. Furnaces aren’t meant to be run into the ground, neglected, and treated poorly, but sometimes homeowners operate like that without even knowing it. So many misconceptions about heating, efficiency, and these systems circulate through our community that it can be hard to keep track.
Don’t jeopardize your heating in Acworth, NH just because you read something that sounded convincing online. While you could say the same thing about us, our team is a part of this community and we have experience dealing with heater repairs for years. It’s time to take the facts coming from us over the lies that you might be noticing around the web.
Tags: Acworth, Furnace Repair, heater repair, Heating
Posted in Heating | Comments Off on 3 Common Furnace Misconceptions in Acworth
Monday, January 27th, 2020
There are certain places where the idea of using a wood stove to heat one’s home might seem a bit quaint. Those of us here in the northeast know that the good old wood stove is a tried and true system, though. Simple as the wood stove may be, however, it is always necessary to schedule your wood stove services with skilled, trained professionals. We’ll make sure that your wood stove can handle your needs, and we’ll ensure proper ventilation.
Wood stoves in New Hampshire will most likely never go out of fashion, as they have many benefits to homeowners that even other, new types of heating systems can’t match. That’s what we’re going to be focusing on today. So read on, and remember that the home energy professionals on our team are here to answer any further questions that you may have. With our help, you’ll find the wood stove that’s perfect for your need, and you’ll be able to use it safely and effectively. (more…)
Tags: heat, heater, Heating, New Hampshire, Wood Stove
Posted in Heating | Comments Off on Why Invest in a Wood Stove?
Monday, February 25th, 2019
Chances are that you are ready for winter to be over at this point. It doesn’t matter if you like skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing, etc. Sometimes, enough is enough. And for many, this winter has been enough! The good news is that the worst of the winter weather is likely behind us. That doesn’t mean that there’s not still plenty of cold weather to come before mud season gets underway, though. You need to keep your heater in the rotation for the time being.
Now, that being said, you may want to start looking forward toward a heating replacement. And if you’re thinking about replacing your heater in Woodstock, VT, then you should definitely be thinking about using a heat pump in the future. Heat pumps have come a long way over the years, and they are more viable than ever in even very cold climates. If you’re not certain how a heat pump works, or if you can really trust one to handle the cold in this part of the country, then this blog’s for you! (more…)
Tags: heat pump, heater, Heating, Heating Replacement, Woodstock
Posted in Heat Pumps | Comments Off on Replacing Your Heater? Consider a Heat Pump!
Monday, December 3rd, 2018
Winter really got off to a strong, early start this year, didn’t it? You’ve already busted out the shovel and the ice melt, and you’ve certainly been running your heater regularly for some time now. How is your heater doing, though? Are you already starting to worry that it may not really be up to the challenge of warming your home for the rest of the winter season? Are you thinking about replacing it in the spring for any reason?
Whatever the case may be, we strongly suggest that you consider using a ductless mini split heating system in Southern Vermont. These systems, simply put, offer a lot of unique benefits that other, more standard heaters cannot. Think we’re exaggerating? Then check out today’s post! We’ll cover the way in which ductless heating systems work, and how it is that they benefit homeowners in so many different ways. If you’re ready to heat your home differently, contact us to get started!
Tags: Air Conditioning, Ductless Heating, Heating, HVAC, Southern Vermont
Posted in Heat Pumps | Comments Off on Why Should I Choose a Ductless Mini Split System?
Monday, February 12th, 2018
It’s only mid-February, and Vermonters know that this means there is still a lot more winter ahead of us—though some of us may actually prefer the snow on the ground to the looming emergence of mud season. What does this mean for our heating systems? Well, that there is still a lot more work ahead of them. It may be tempting to turn a blind eye to heating problems when we’re creeping up, however slowly, on the Spring season.
That’s just not a risk that we can take around here, though. No matter how minor a problem with your heater may seem right now, there is plenty of time ahead for that “minor” problem to take a serious toll on your system. Scheduling prompt heating repair in Springfield, VT is always going to be your best bet. Here are some of the benefits that you have to consider in doing so. Contact a member of our team should heating problems arise.
Tags: heat, heater, Heating, heating repairs, Springfield
Posted in Heating | Comments Off on How Prompt Heating Repairs Benefit You
Monday, January 29th, 2018
We’re creeping up on February, and you know what that means! Um, a lot more cold weather and winter scenery to come. Hopefully, your heater is hanging in there and giving you the support you need so far this season. If you are thinking about replacing your heating system once this winter is past, or if you need a new heater for a new property that you’ve got going up, chances are you are looking at both forced air and radiant heating options.
You cannot afford to take any chances when it comes to heating in New Hampshire, so the pros on our staff have some tips to help you determine which system is right for you. Remember, there is no single heater that is going to be ideal for every home or for every homeowner. You need to do some homework, and definitely ask questions as they come up. This is a major investment, and the heating system that you choose really needs to rise to the occasion in this area.
Tags: heat, heater, Heating, New Hampshire, radiant heating
Posted in Heating | Comments Off on Heating Showdown: Forced Air vs. Radiant
Monday, January 1st, 2018
The winter solstice may have just passed, but it has felt like winter in our area for quite a while, now. You have no doubt been running your furnace for some time already, and we certainly hope that you remembered to schedule professional heating maintenance in New Hampshire this year. If not, there is no way that you can expect your furnace to function at peak performance and efficiency levels. There is also one very important maintenance task that you should be handling on your own.
That is changing the air filter that your furnace uses regularly. Typically, you’ll need to do this once every 1-3 months. There are many factors that influence the need for changing a filter, though, so that is really just a basic guideline. The best way to figure out if the time has come to replace your filter is simply to check in on its condition from time to time. But how does a dirty air filter really affect a furnace? And is it really that big of a deal?
Tags: furnace, heat, heater, Heating, New Hampshire
Posted in Heating | Comments Off on Your Furnace Needs a Fresh Filter
Monday, December 18th, 2017
December is somehow already nearly halfway over. We’ve got a lot of the heating season left to go, though, and this being Vermont means that the cold weather is going to be pretty severe for the foreseeable future. If you hope to make it through the heating season in true comfort—or anything even resembling it—then you really need your heater to be firing on all cylinders. The fact that your heater is generating heat does not necessarily mean that it is doing so in the proper manner.
One question that we get from concerned homeowners now and again is why their heaters seem to be running in short bursts. The system starts up, but stays on only briefly before shutting back down again. While this may seem at first to be something of an odd quirk, the fact is that any problems with your heater have the potential to seriously disrupt your comfort. This particular problem is called short cycling, and it can definitely spell trouble for your heater in Ludlow, VT.
Tags: heat, heater, Heating, Heating Repair, Ludlow
Posted in Home Improvement | Comments Off on Why Does My Heater Keep Shutting Down?
Monday, December 4th, 2017
If there is one system that you really don’t want to gamble with in the middle of winter in New England, it is your home heating system. These days, heaters in general are more dependable and reliable than ever before. However, no heater can truly claim to be 100% reliable. That just is not a possibility. Even the furnace, which stands as probably the most popular and common of all home heating systems, can suffer from occasional operational problems.
If you use a furnace to heat your home, you are going to need to schedule professional furnace repair services at some point. There are plenty of warning signs that you may notice that could indicate a furnace in need of repair. There are also some relatively common furnace problems that you may encounter, and we’re going to cover a few of those today. Don’t be taken by surprise if you should encounter any of these issues with your furnace in Langdon, NH.
Tags: furnace, heat, heater, Heating, Langdon
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