Archive for August, 2018

Signs of Bad Electrical Wiring

Monday, August 27th, 2018

wiringElectricity is one of those things that is pretty easy to take for granted in this day and age. After all, we’ve had electricity available to us in our homes throughout our lives. It’s just always there. And that’s a great thing. Forgetting about the dangers that electricity can pose just because it is such a regular part of our everyday lives, however, is not a great thing. In fact, that mindset can actually lead to some dangerous situations.

Today, we want to talk about some warning signs that you may notice if your electrical wiring is problematic. Are all of these warning signs indicative of an emergency situation? Of course not. Should the resolution of any and all problems with your electrical system and wiring be treated as a top priority, though? You betcha. We are not alarmists here, but the fact of the matter is that compromised wiring is a fire hazard. So look out for these signs of trouble with electrical wiring in Acworth, NH. (more…)

The Mysterious Case of the Flickering Light

Monday, August 13th, 2018

CFL-bulbDo you spend your nights reading in the low, flickering light of an oil lantern? If so, you have some antiquated tastes. There’s nothing wrong with that,  though. What there is something wrong with is sitting in the low, flickering light of—your indoor lighting system. If you use electric lighting in your home, which we’ll go ahead and assume is the case,  then you should be enjoying even, consistent light throughout your home. If your lights are flickering,  then you have a problem.

Is every case of a flickering light going to wind up being something very serious? No. Is every case of a flickering light potentially serious and deserving of prompt attention? Absolutely, yes. Today,  we are going to give you some tips about why your lights may be flickering, what you may be able to do in order to resolve the problem, and when you should contact our professional electricians in Ludlow, VT. The last thing that you want is to avoid this “minor” problem, only to discover the hard way that it was a lot more serious than you thought. (more…)