Posts Tagged ‘Bellows Falls’

Early Season Heating Repairs You’ll Want to Detect

Monday, November 11th, 2024

As cooler weather sets in, your heating system becomes the unsung hero of your home, keeping you warm and comfortable through the fall and winter months. However, the early days of the heating season often reveal issues that went unnoticed during the off months. Detecting these problems early can save you from uncomfortable cold spells and costly repairs later. Here are the most common heating failure signs you should watch for as you fire up your system this season.


Is It Time to Upgrade Your Heater?

Monday, January 24th, 2022

white-question-mark-on-blue-circleWinter is progressing right along, and by now you probably know how well–or how poorly–your heating system is operating. Even if you haven’t been hanging out by your thermostat taking specific notes on the ins and outs of your system, we bet you’ve noticed if the system is making a strange noise, or if the air coming out of the vents isn’t as warm as it should be.

Maybe you’ve noticed that your energy bills have spiked compared to last year’s bills, or that you simply don’t feel warm as you think you should.

While professional repair needs should be expected every couple of years, there will eventually come a time that you’ll need a heating system replacement. Read on as we uncover some signs that it’s time for you to upgrade your heater!


Signs That Your Plumbing Could Use an Upgrade

Monday, January 10th, 2022

pipesOne of the most common questions that our plumbers get is “what is repiping?” This is the process of stripping down all the faulty plumbing that you have in your home and replacing it with new plumbing. In many instances, you may need to have repiping done throughout the whole home due to older plumbing that will eventually start corroding and leaking, even if it hasn’t already.

Repiping isn’t a service you should try to attempt on your own. You’ll want a lot of preparations to be made, which is what our professional plumbers are here for! The good news is though, there are some signs that you can watch out for that indicate you could, indeed, use repiping. Read on to learn these signs, and then give us a call once you notice any of them.


Don’t Ignore These End-of-Season Heater Repair Needs

Monday, May 17th, 2021

woman-wrapped-in-blanket-sipping-from-mugSummer is almost upon us! It might seem silly to even be thinking about our heating systems this time of the year, but if you’ve been here all winter long and into spring, then you were using yours pretty consistently, right? Our heaters do certainly get a lot of work, and therefore they need an adequate amount of care.

This means heating maintenance, first and foremost. You should be doing some small maintenance tasks on your own, such as changing out the air filter and making sure the heating system itself and your vents are unobstructed so airflow isn’t restricted. But you should also be scheduling professional heating maintenance once a year.

During this service, our technicians thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it, all while looking for small repair needs and alerting you to them so you can get them on your schedule sooner rather than later. If you had this service done already last fall, then you may already know what repair needs you have or maybe you already took care of them. But if you skipped the tune-up, you should heed these end-of-season repair needs now so you don’t have to worry about an ineffective heater next fall. (more…)

Importance of Maintaining Your Sump Pump

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

sump-pumpOne of our goals is to always be here with helpful advice for our customers. This is the time of year that flooding from melting snow and heavy rain is quite common, and we want to make sure you’re well prepared for that. One of the best ways to prepare is with regular sump pump maintenance.

You will need professional maintenance at least once a year to make sure your sump pump is functioning as it should. However, there are quarterly maintenance tasks that homeowners should do on their own as well. By doing this, you’ll be able to rely on your sump pump and you’ll know when to call us for repairs. But how do you do this? What are these maintenance tasks? Read on to find out! (more…)

How Ductless Heating Benefits Homeowners

Monday, November 4th, 2019

ductless-technicianIf you are considering the installation or replacement of a heater in Bellows Falls, VT, then you should definitely give a ductless mini split some thought. Sure, lots of homes in our area stand by their furnaces, boilers, and even wood or pellet stoves, but who’s to say that something a bit newer in design isn’t exactly what you’re looking for. After all, you’ll simply never know what it is that you’re missing out on if you fail to explore your options!

In today’s post, we’ll be digging a bit further into how ductless heating actually works, and how its design and operation can benefit homeowners. Is this the right heating system for every home?  No—but then, there is no single heater that can claim to be! After all, if there were any singular heater that best suited every home, you wouldn’t have so many different options demanding your attention! Be sure to contact us when you need heating services of any kind. (more…)

Keep Your Heating Costs in Check This Winter

Monday, October 21st, 2019

don't-forgetWhen you live in the Southern Vermont or New Hampshire areas, you know what’s ahead of you when winter starts to settle in. You’re going to be up early shoveling out the cars. You’re going to be driving home in the dark after work, as days get increasingly shorter. And you’re going to be running your heater a whole lot. It’s that last point that we want to talk about today.

We’re not going to offer to chauffeur you around or shovel out your vehicles, but we can help to keep your heating costs manageable. There are a few things that we can do, and a few tips that we can share to help you maximize savings. And no, don’t worry. We’re not going to suggest that you reign things in at the thermostat and trade off your comfort for energy savings. Keep this information in mind, and reach out to our heating professionals with any questions that you may have.


Can Ductless Air Conditioning Save Me Money?

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

ductless-acThe short answer to the question asked in this title is yes, it can! In fact, energy savings—which translate to money savings—are among the greatest benefits that ductless mini splits in Bellows Falls have to offer. Does this mean that spending your money on a ductless mini split is definitely going to save you money? No, because even a great system won’t impress if you fail to schedule that system’s installation and ongoing services with trained, qualified professionals.

Fortunately for you, you’ll never have to worry about a shoddy installation or subpar service quality when you work with the ductless mini split pros on our team. We service and install the finest systems from some of the most trusted brands in the industry. So read on, consider your air conditioning goals, and let us know if you think that going ductless is the right choice for your home. And keep these benefits in mind when making your choice! (more…)

Furnace Problems: What Are Some Red Flags?

Monday, January 28th, 2019

dog-blanketWe took a beating with a heavy snowstorm just this past week, and the frigid temperatures that followed prove once again just how reliant we really are on our home heating systems here in Southern Vermont. If you have any concerns at all about your heater, including your furnace in Bellows Falls or the surrounding area, then you really do need to take prompt action. The longer that you wait to schedule any necessary furnace repairs, the worse off your system is likely to be.

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, then you’ve certainly seen us address this topic before. It is one that we like to come back to from time to time, though, because you never know when problems with your furnace are going to strike! And, frankly, it is easy to “forget” what you’ve read previously when the time comes to really apply the situation. Scheduling immediately furnace repair may not be “convenient,” but it is much more convenient than scheduling emergency repairs when your system breaks down!


What Are the Benefits of Using a Boiler?

Monday, December 17th, 2018

question-markIt’s a little late in the game to be having a new heater installed around here. The cold of winter came pretty early this year, and it doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. So, hopefully, you’ve already got yourself a great heater installed in your home. If your existing heater is giving you trouble, though, or if you’re just planning ahead to a replacement come springtime, this may be the post you’ve been waiting for. Don’t rush the decision-making process.

If you’re serious about replacing your heater, or if you’re deciding on a new system for a new home that you’ll be breaking ground on when the ground is breakable once more, a boiler in Bellows Falls may be just what you’re after. Boilers are the very definition of an “oldie but a goody”. Read on to learn more about the many benefits that you’ll enjoy when you choose to heat your home with a boiler—and leave its installation and service to us!
