What do you think about when you think about living comfortably? Here in Vermont, your heater may be the first thing that springs to mind. We won’t talk about that too much right now, though — it may not be too summery around here, but let’s try and enjoy it before winter sneaks up on once again, okay? Your air conditioner is another likely answer to the question. However, you cannot afford to overlook the impact that your indoor air quality in Springfield, VT can have on your overall comfort, either.
Now, we are lucky enough to live in an area with relatively clean, fresh mountain air surrounding us most of the time. There is still pollution, of course, but certainly not the level that you’d expect to find in major cities. A lot of pollutants themselves are naturally occurring, though, and that means that, even in our beautiful area, your indoor air quality may be suffering. Fortunately, we have the solutions to the problems that you face. (more…)
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