Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

What Humidity Level Do I Want for My Home?

Monday, August 19th, 2024

As homeowners, we often focus on keeping our homes at a comfortable temperature, but we sometimes overlook another critical factor in our indoor environment—humidity. Managing humidity levels is just as important as managing temperature when it comes to achieving true comfort and maintaining the health of your home. 

But what exactly is relative humidity, and what’s the best range to aim for in your home? Let’s dive into the details.


Benefits of Whole House Dehumidifiers

Monday, June 26th, 2023

Maintaining the ideal humidity levels in your home is important for your comfort and overall well-being. Excessive humidity can lead to a range of problems including mold growth, musty odors, and even health issues.

Let’s explore the benefits of whole house dehumidifiers in Southern Vermont, VT. These tools are a powerful solution to combat high humidity levels throughout your home. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of these systems.


“Why Would I Need a Whole-House Dehumidifier?”

Monday, July 11th, 2022

man-desk-fanHigh humidity in the summertime is a problem that we are no stranger to here in Southern Vermont. High relative humidity levels (anything above 50% humidity) make hot days feel even worse. Additionally, humidity has ill effects in other areas too, from your health to the structural integrity of your home.

If you’re struggling with high humidity in your house, the best solution is to have a whole-house dehumidifier professionally installed. Sure, you can buy a portable dehumidifier or two, but the effects that these smaller systems have are minimal at best. They also present problems of their own, such as mold growing within the system itself and not being able to provide enough coverage for the space you need it in.

Read on as we uncover some of the benefits of a whole-house dehumidifier, and when you’re ready to have one installed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.


How to Clean the Air You Breathe

Monday, June 28th, 2021

woman-looking-comfortable-in-homeThese days, more and more homeowners are seeking methods to improve the safety and health of their households. One way to achieve this is by tackling any indoor air quality needs you might have, through the right services and products. This can include air filtration systems, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, and air purification systems.

There are many things that can have a negative effect on your indoor air quality. In fact, without the right precautions in place, your indoor air quality can be worse than the quality of the air outdoors. Fortunately, we have solutions that will help keep your family healthy all year long. One such solution is a UV air purifier, also called UV germicidal lights. Read on to learn more about these systems.  (more…)

3 Ways to Prepare for Fall Air Quality

Monday, August 24th, 2020

Senior-woman-relaxingLiving in New England means looking forward to fall. If you cannot enjoy the vibrant colors and crisp air of the season—what are you even doing here? Of course, there are some issues that come along with fall. And no, we’re not just talking about the fact that it means another winter is just around the corner. We’re talking about indoor air quality.

A lot of people associate allergies and their symptoms with the bloom of spring. That’s understandable. There is a lot going on in that regard at that time. But the shift from summer into spring brings a lot of allergens with it, too. Chief among these is ragweed. So read on to learn more about protecting your indoor air quality in Southern Vermont.


Choosing Your Air Cleaner and/or Purifier

Monday, July 17th, 2017

woman-blowing-noseWhat do you think about when you think about living comfortably? Here in Vermont, your heater may be the first thing that springs to mind. We won’t talk about that too much right now, though — it may not be too summery around here, but let’s try and enjoy it before winter sneaks up on once again, okay? Your air conditioner is another likely answer to the question. However, you cannot afford to overlook the impact that your indoor air quality in Springfield, VT can have on your overall comfort, either.

Now, we are lucky enough to live in an area with relatively clean, fresh mountain air surrounding us most of the time. There is still pollution, of course, but certainly not the level that you’d expect to find in major cities. A lot of pollutants themselves are naturally occurring, though, and that means that, even in our beautiful area, your indoor air quality may be suffering. Fortunately, we have the solutions to the problems that you face. (more…)

Spring Is Coming (and So Are Allergy Symptoms)

Monday, February 27th, 2017

family-hiking-in-springWe’ve just about made it through February. While March signals the start of the warmer weather in many areas of the country, we here in Vermont know that there is still plenty of winter left to contend with. We haven’t even begun to really think about mud season yet. That being said, it is a good idea to start thinking about what you can do to make your home a more comfortable and healthful environment once the grip of winter does loosen. Taking steps to protect your indoor air quality in Springfield, VT is a good place to start.

Figuring out how best to protect and to improve upon the quality of the air in your home can be a daunting challenge in some ways. There is a solution to just about any problem, but there are also a lot of different problems that you may face. It is vital that you are using the right equipment for the right situations, and that this equipment is the right fit for your HVAC system and home. We’ll ensure that this is the case. Let our indoor air quality specialists set you up with the right air purifiers and air cleaners for your needs. (more…)

Why Is Dry Air Such a Serious Concern?

Monday, January 30th, 2017

sitting-by-the-fireBecause Vermont winters can be so cold and snowy, some homeowners think only of their heating systems when it comes to living comfortably during the winter season. While your heater is obviously incredibly important to your overall comfort — and even to your safety — temperature control is not the only factor to consider. You should also keep the humidity level in your home in mind. Chances are that it is lower than it should be these days.

Cold air does not retain moisture the way that warm air does. Because of this, we start off with less humidity in the air during the winter months than we do when it is warm out. While your heater won’t actively dry out the air the way that your air conditioner can, you are already working at a deficit. Failure to add more moisture to the air as needed can have a number of negative consequences. This is why you may choose to use a whole-house humidifier in Ludlow, VT.


Vermont Winter Tip: Outfit Your Home with a Whole-House Humidifier

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

It’s been a hot summer, and last winter certainly was fairly mild. We Vermonters know that you can never afford to underestimate what winter may send our way, though. That is why we’ve recommended that you get your heating replacement and/or maintenance out of the way now, before you really need to put your heater into rotation. We also advise you to keep your indoor air quality in mind during the colder time of the year, though.

One issue that homeowners grapple with during the winter season is very dry air. While your AC may dry out the air in the summer, the air itself is actually quite dry in the winter. That is why you may want to equip your home with a whole-house humidifier in Woodstock, VT.


Why Is the Indoor Air Quality in My Home Declining?

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

Have you noticed that the air quality in your home just isn’t all that you’d like it to be? If so, know that you can always turn to the professionals on our staff in order to get the systems and services that you need in order to improve conditions. It is important to remember that there are a lot of different reasons as to why your indoor air quality may slip. Only when the problems are accurately diagnosed and the right steps taken can you hope for the situation to be resolved. That is why you should contact a member of our team when you feel as though you are breathing air that doesn’t live up to your deservedly high expectations.
