Archive for December, 2020

3 Common Furnace Misconceptions in Acworth

Monday, December 28th, 2020

While we’ve been gearing everyone up to get ready for another cold winter here in Acworth, we also want to take a break to talk about some best practices for your furnace. Furnaces aren’t meant to be run into the ground, neglected, and treated poorly, but sometimes homeowners operate like that without even knowing it. So many misconceptions about heating, efficiency, and these systems circulate through our community that it can be hard to keep track.

Don’t jeopardize your heating in Acworth, NH just because you read something that sounded convincing online. While you could say the same thing about us, our team is a part of this community and we have experience dealing with heater repairs for years. It’s time to take the facts coming from us over the lies that you might be noticing around the web.


Why Heat My Home with a Furnace?

Monday, December 14th, 2020

furnaceHeating our homes is serious business here in the northeast. Our winters are cold. Dangerously cold, if you don’t have a reliable heating system in place.  A reliable heating system isn’t really enough if you ask us, though. You need the ideal heating system for your particular needs. That doesn’t mean you need the perfect heating system. There is no perfect,  one-size-fits-all option out there.

But the furnace certainly comes pretty close.

There are many reasons for the popularity of furnaces in New Hampshire. That’s what we’re going to get into today. Before we do, one quick reminder. You absolutely must schedule your furnace services with skilled, trained professionals. You want to heat your home reliably, effectively, and safely, and doing so means that you need to work with pros you can trust. The fact that you are reading this means you’ve already accomplished that first step! (more…)