Archive for October, 2022

Why Is My Boiler Leaking Water?

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Boiler leaking water with tools nearby.You head into the laundry room and notice a puddle near the water boiler. You check the drain valve and it’s definitely closed, so what’s going on with your boiler?

Even though water boilers are set to last for decades, they’re prone to maintenance problems throughout the years. Let’s help you find all the reasons your boiler might be leaking.


Should You Have a Wood Stove Installed?

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

Wood-burning stoves are one of those sights you often see in cozy rom-com movies, burning away in the background. But wood stoves are actually good for a lot more than simply being a movie set prop! Those of us who live in the Northeast understand that a reliable wood stove is a tried and true way to keep warm. Having one installed requires the touch of an experienced professional.

Wood stoves probably will never go out of style, as they have a number of advantages for homeowners that can’t be matched by many other new types of heating systems. Read on and learn why our home energy professionals recommend wood stoves.
