Posts Tagged ‘Ludlow’

Check Out Our Vermont Winter Checklist!

Monday, October 14th, 2024

Winter in Vermont is breathtaking, but the cold weather can bring challenges every homeowner should prepare for. As temperatures drop and snow begins to fall, ensuring your home is ready to handle the season is essential. Whether you’re a new resident or a seasoned Vermonter, a winter checklist can help you stay ahead of the cold and avoid last-minute problems.

Here’s a checklist to help you prepare your home for the coming winter months.


How to Keep Your AC Healthy in Late Season Heat Waves

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

As the summer winds down, late-season heat waves can take a toll on your air conditioning system. The last thing you want is for your AC to break down when you need it most. To help you get through these late-summer heat waves without a hitch, we’ve put together some essential tips to ensure your air conditioner remains in top condition.


4 Ways to Boost Heating Efficiency

Monday, November 15th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerWhat would you say all Vermont residents have in common? If we had to guess, we’d say their desire for affordable comfort in the wintertime. The question is, how do you achieve this? Well, there are a few ways, and we’ll get into them below. But the #1 most important thing you can do to boost heating efficiency and therefore use your heating system as affordably as possible is to schedule routine heating maintenance. During maintenance, our professionals comprehensively clean, adjust, and inspect the components that need it. This all serves to make sure your heater performs powerfully, and again, efficiently.

Read on as we uncover the rest of our tips to boost your heating efficiency this winter.


Protect Your Household from Electrical Shocks By…

Monday, November 1st, 2021

hand-plugging-in-cord-with-electrical-shockToday’s homes have more electrical demands placed on them than ever before. Due to this, electrical safety has become a bigger concern. If you’ve upgraded your electrical panel in recent years, then you likely have little to worry about, but if you haven’t even had your electrical system inspected in the last decade or so by a professionally trained electrician, then this blog post is definitely for you. The good news, is there are some relatively easy upgrades you can make to prevent problems with your electrical system, including reducing the risk of electrical shock and even electrical fire.

Remember though, it’s always important that you trust a licensed and experienced electrician. Electrical work isn’t something that homeowners should attempt on their own, since it can create further safety issues. Our professionals are knowledgeable about current building codes and what’s required to keep your home not only efficient, but safe too. Read on as we uncover some of the electrical jobs we recommend you schedule to protect your household.


Repair Your Heater to Save $$$

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

cold-on-couchSave money? By scheduling a service that costs money? What are these people talking about?  

No, we are not going to come out and repair your heater for free. But removing the cost of the repair is not what we’re talking about when we’re talking about how repairs save you money. We’re talking about the many benefits that prompt repairs offer that save you money.

What it all boils down to is this. If you think that riding it out for a while, putting that repair you think you might need on the backburner, is the way to save money—you are absolutely incorrect. In fact, all you are doing is making the need for a more expensive heating repair in Ludlow, VT, more likely.


Don’t Ignore These Signs of Plumbing Leaks

Monday, October 19th, 2020

burst-copper-pipePlumbing leaks are a major drag. There is no getting around that. There is also no getting around the fact that plumbing leaks can and do happen. You’re going to deal with them eventually. If you haven’t had to deal with any in your home yet, then you should consider yourself lucky. And with another Vermont winter coming in soon, additional problems like frozen pipes and rapid snowmelt flooding basements should be on everyone’s mind, too.

We’re not going to be all doom and gloom about these issues, though. Why? Because there is plenty that can alert you to the need for professional plumbing services in Ludlow, VT.  By the time you can actually see many plumbing leaks, you’ve probably missed out on some early warning signs that could have alerted you to the problem earlier on. Those warning signs are what we’re going to be focusing on in today’s post. Because of the amount of damage that water leaks can do, we strongly recommend that you schedule service at the first sign of trouble.


What Causes Clogged Drains?

Monday, October 5th, 2020

water-flowing-down-a-drainWhen you need professional plumbing in Ludlow, VT who do you call? Hopefully, it’s our team! Especially if you have a stubbornly clogged drain.

“But wait,” you might wonder, “can’t I just tackle a clogged drain by myself?”

We know what you’re thinking–that you’ll just reach for that bottle of chemical, liquid drain cleaning solution you got from the hardware or grocery store. Unfortunately, these “solutions” can do more harm than good to your drain. This is because they’re highly caustic, and can actually eat away at the lining of your pipes, eventually leading to corrosion and leaks. The real solution to a clogged drain is professional service, whether our plumbers come out with a drain snake or hydro-jet for really stubborn backups.

But what if you could prevent clogs to begin with? You may be able to, as long as you understand what causes them to begin with. Read on to learn more!


Major Benefits of Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, May 4th, 2020

AC-technicianFor reasons well beyond our understanding, there are still homeowners out there that fail to schedule professional air conditioning maintenance on an annual basis. Even more perplexing is the fact that they fail to do so when our technicians are here just waiting to ensure that they get the best that their air conditioners have to offer. Let us be blunt about this. Routine air conditioning maintenance is, without exception, the best thing that you can do for your air conditioner in Southern Vermont.

Now, we realize that you don’t necessarily need your air conditioning system just yet. However, we also know that homeowners too often wait longer than they should schedule routine maintenance, sometimes not even doing so until they realize that problems are brewing. Problem is, that’s when repairs are needed, not maintenance. Today, we’re going to share with you some examples of why you really cannot, should not, must not overlook the need for annual AC maintenance! (more…)

Why Work with Our Professional Electricians?

Monday, January 13th, 2020

outletThe age of information that we live in can be a wonderful thing. Think about this—when is the last time you had to pull over to look at a map with a tiny light in the car? Probably not recently. You just punch your destination into your smartphone and go along your way. With the amount of information that we have available to us at all times, though, comes some area for concern. For instance, some homeowners may convince themselves that a little online research qualifies them for, well—just about anything.

This, of course, is not true. Certainly not when it comes to servicing your own electrical system! No amount of online research will make you a qualified electrician! Fortunately for you, we have plenty of great electricians in Ludlow, VT, just waiting for your call. So don’t hesitate when you need electrical services of any kind. When you call upon our expertise, you can count on some outstanding benefits headed your way. (more…)

Protect Your Home with a Great Smoke Detector

Monday, December 30th, 2019

female-hands-opening-smoke-detector-to-change-batteryIt’s always best to expect the unexpected when you’re a homeowner. We know the entire process of preparing your home in every possible way can be quite overwhelming, but we’re always here to help. Today, we want to expound upon one incredibly important area of home protection—smoke detection.

You’re always going to need a great smoke detector in your home. You want to make sure that you have a top-of-the-line model, a smoke detector that’s hard-wired into your home, and the right team of professionals to perform the work. If you’re looking for a great electrician in Ludlow, VT, you can come to the professionals on our team. (more…)