Archive for December, 2022

Should I Turn Off My Boiler if it’s Leaking Water?

Monday, December 26th, 2022

Modern boilers are exceptionally engineered and able to withstand around 15 years of use on average, but they aren’t invincible. If your boiler is leaking water, it’s a cause for concern.

To answer the question of whether or not a boiler leaking water needs to be shut off, let’s establish that your boiler should not be leaking water. It will need to be turned off, but by a technician, not you. Let’s explain why.


Can a Cracked Wood Stove Be Repaired?

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Wood stoves are arguably one of the best ways to heat your home, but they’re not invincible. Even cast iron wood stoves have their kryptonite: heat expansion. It’s unavoidable and happens over time, but does that mean your wood stove is doomed just because of a crack?

Whether it’s clay or cast iron, wood stove repair is entirely possible. Right now it’s a safety hazard, but with some relatively quick fixes, you can have that wood stove all fired up again to heat your home. Here’s what you need to know.
