Archive for January, 2017

Why Is Dry Air Such a Serious Concern?

Monday, January 30th, 2017

sitting-by-the-fireBecause Vermont winters can be so cold and snowy, some homeowners think only of their heating systems when it comes to living comfortably during the winter season. While your heater is obviously incredibly important to your overall comfort — and even to your safety — temperature control is not the only factor to consider. You should also keep the humidity level in your home in mind. Chances are that it is lower than it should be these days.

Cold air does not retain moisture the way that warm air does. Because of this, we start off with less humidity in the air during the winter months than we do when it is warm out. While your heater won’t actively dry out the air the way that your air conditioner can, you are already working at a deficit. Failure to add more moisture to the air as needed can have a number of negative consequences. This is why you may choose to use a whole-house humidifier in Ludlow, VT.


Is This the Year to Replace Your Heater?

Monday, January 16th, 2017

Heaters see a lot of action in this part of the country. If your heater seems to be struggling its way through this winter season so far, you may want to start thinking about replacing your heater in Bellows Falls before embarking on another. The last thing that you want to do is to wait for your heater to completely break down before replacing it.

Keep the following points of consideration in mind, and contact us if you think the time is right for a heating replacement. Spring will be here soon enough, and if your heater will make it through the remainder of the winter, we can get a new one in place when the weather warms up. Consider your options, and contact us with any questions that you may have.


Why Heat My Home with a Boiler?

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Hopefully you do not find yourself in need of a new heater at the beginning of the new year. Temperatures have been fluctuating, but for the most party it’s been quite cold here in Southern Vermont. If you do find yourself with a broken down heater, or if you’re just thinking about which heating replacement to choose when the summer arrives once more, consider the use of a boiler in Springfield, VT.

Not only do we install great boilers, such as the Burnham Hydronics MPO–IQ™ Boiler and the Buderus oil–fired G125BE and G115WS models, but we also deliver home heating oil at very fair and competitive prices. Whatever your boiler service needs may be, we are the professionals to call. Here are a few reasons to consider using a boiler to heat your home.


Why Isn’t My House Warming Up?

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

You don’t need anyone to tell you that the weather here in Woodstock, VT can get quite frigid during the long heating season. If the idea of a heater that suddenly won’t heat your home fills you with fear, you are not alone. The good news is that this is not always a terribly serious problem.

Obviously, if you cannot get your heater functioning normally once more, then you’ve got a serious problem on your hands. In many cases, though, some simple trouble shooting can resolve the problem. Here are a few things to check before you call our number. (more…)