Posts Tagged ‘Plumbing Repair’

Low Water Pressure in Your Home? Here’s What Might Be Happening…

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Low water pressure in your home can be a major inconvenience, affecting everything from showering to washing dishes. At HB Energy Solutions, we understand the frustration this can cause, and we’re here to help you diagnose and fix the issue. In this post, we’ll explore some common causes of low water pressure and what might need to be done to resolve them, including when it’s time to call in professional plumbing experts.


How to Know You Need Leak Detection When the Leaks Are Hidden

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Many homeowners face various maintenance challenges, and hidden water leaks are among the most deceptive and potentially damaging. These plumbing leaks, often unnoticed due to their locations behind walls, under floors, or above ceilings, can lead to significant water wastage and structural damage to a building. The challenge, however, lies in detecting these leaks: you must first know they exist, yet this is difficult because they’re hidden.


What is Considered an Emergency Plumbing Problem?

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

It’s always good to take care of any plumbing-related problem the moment you’re aware that it exists, but what happens when there’s no clear fix and you can’t find the root of the problem in the first place?

That’s one reason to call for plumbing services, but how do you know if it’s a run-of-the-mill call, or if you need emergency plumbing service?

Let’s help you figure that out right now. These are some of the most common plumbing emergencies that you really shouldn’t wait to call a professional about.


Heed These Signs You Have a Plumbing Leak

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Perhaps the biggest problem with a plumbing leak is that it tends to be able to hide itself really well. Often happening behind drywall, and sometimes even under the slab, or foundation, of your house, leaks can be relatively undetectable. Some plumbing issues, like a clogged drain or drippy faucet, are pretty apparent, and you wouldn’t necessarily need to know any signs since you can see the problem yourself.

However, for your hidden pipes, an issue can crop up and go largely unnoticed for a long time, and do significant damage in the meantime, if you aren’t attentive to your plumbing system. As we mentioned, plumbing issues can be hard to detect! Read on to learn what the signs are that you may be facing a leak.


Don’t Ignore These Signs of Plumbing Leaks

Monday, October 19th, 2020

burst-copper-pipePlumbing leaks are a major drag. There is no getting around that. There is also no getting around the fact that plumbing leaks can and do happen. You’re going to deal with them eventually. If you haven’t had to deal with any in your home yet, then you should consider yourself lucky. And with another Vermont winter coming in soon, additional problems like frozen pipes and rapid snowmelt flooding basements should be on everyone’s mind, too.

We’re not going to be all doom and gloom about these issues, though. Why? Because there is plenty that can alert you to the need for professional plumbing services in Ludlow, VT.  By the time you can actually see many plumbing leaks, you’ve probably missed out on some early warning signs that could have alerted you to the problem earlier on. Those warning signs are what we’re going to be focusing on in today’s post. Because of the amount of damage that water leaks can do, we strongly recommend that you schedule service at the first sign of trouble.


Don’t Let Your Pipes Freeze This Winter

Monday, September 21st, 2020

insulating-pipesLiving in as cold a winter climate as ours means facing some unique challenges that you don’t really have to think about in, say, Florida or Southern California. One of these problems is frozen pipes. If you are serious about preventing frozen pipes in your home—and you very much should be—then you are going to have to take some added precautions. Be sure to keep the following tips in mind, and contact us with any questions.

If and when you do need any repairs for your plumbing in Londonderry, VT, you need to be sure that you are working with skilled, experienced professionals. Our team fits the bill entirely. You can count on us to respond quickly to any issue you may encounter. But, as is typically the case, prevention is your best option! And preventing frozen pipes is not really as difficult as you might think—even with our winters. (more…)

Don’t Ignore Low Water Pressure in Your Home!

Monday, April 20th, 2020

shower-headOf all the problems that you may encounter with your home plumbing system, low water pressure may not exactly sound like the most urgent. And you know what? It may not be. It’s hard to argue that low water pressure is more urgent, for instance, than an overflowing toilet. Or at least, it may seem that way in the moment. What too many homeowners fail to realize is that low water pressure can actually be indicative of very serious plumbing problems.

Today, we are going to look at some of the reasons why you may encounter low water pressure in your home. We’re also going to remind you that our plumbers in Southern Vermont are here to help you when you do find yourself in this unenviable situation. We cannot tell you that we can help you to avoid all plumbing problems all the time.  We can promise, though, that we can resolve any problems that you do encounter successfully.


Protect Your Pipes This Winter Season

Monday, September 9th, 2019

insulating-pipesWe know, we know.  It’s only September. You don’t want to be thinking about the snow and ice that winter will bring quite yet. Of course,  you also know that September is not too early to start thinking about the winter season. Not around here it isn’t. We know it, you know it, and our plumbers in New Hampshire know it. That’s why we want to remind you of some ways that you can protect your plumbing this winter.

One of the biggest issues that any homeowner might face during the winter months is frozen pipes. While we may not be able to guarantee with 100% certainty that you will never encounter frozen pipes on your property, we can guarantee that taking a few simple steps can greatly reduce the risk of running into any such problems. So keep the following information in mind, and be sure to let us know if you have any concerns, weather-related or otherwise, about your plumbing pipes. (more…)

Don’t Let Your Pipes Freeze Up This Winter!

Monday, December 31st, 2018

Living in the Northeast means a lot of things. The beautiful North Woods. The ocean. The seasons. Winter. Ice. Frozen pipes. Okay, we went on a bit of a decline there at the end, but the fact is that, for all the benefits of living around here, there are some drawbacks. Sure, we can be on the beaches of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts in a few hours—but we may also run into frozen pipes during our frigid Vermont winters.

Do you know how to mitigate the risk of frozen and burst pipes in your home? If not, you’re about to learn! The plumbers on our team are happy to help in any way we can and, sometimes, that just means sharing valuable information with our clients. So read on, discover some of the ways in which you can avoid frozen pipes, and let us know if you run into any trouble. We are available for any plumbing repairs you need.


Plumbing Tips for Avoiding Frozen Pipes

Monday, January 15th, 2018


Winters can be brutal in our neck of the woods, and the recent cold snap was even colder than we’re generally accustomed to. Sure, there’ll be a January thaw before temperatures drop back down once again, but it is only a brief respite in an otherwise bitterly cold season. While a thaw is always nice, one thing you don’t want to have to thaw out is your plumbing system. It is much better to prevent your pipes from freezing in the first place.

Frozen pipes are not at all uncommon in this part of the country during this time of the year, and the truth is that there really isn’t a way to guarantee that you’ll never encounter the problem in your home. The good news, however, is that there are precautionary measures that you can take to at least reduce the risk of your pipes freeze up. Here are some tips to help you protect your plumbing in Chester, VT.
