Archive for February, 2022

What to Check Before Calling a Professional Electrician

Monday, February 21st, 2022

woman-calling-on-landlineElectrical problems are no small thing. It’s never a wise choice to ignore signs that you may have an issue with any part of your electrical system. However, sometimes things aren’t quite the emergency you might think they are. If you suspect you may have a problem with your electric system, we’ll absolutely be there if you need us. But we like you to check a few things first… read on!


Heed These Signs You Have a Plumbing Leak

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Perhaps the biggest problem with a plumbing leak is that it tends to be able to hide itself really well. Often happening behind drywall, and sometimes even under the slab, or foundation, of your house, leaks can be relatively undetectable. Some plumbing issues, like a clogged drain or drippy faucet, are pretty apparent, and you wouldn’t necessarily need to know any signs since you can see the problem yourself.

However, for your hidden pipes, an issue can crop up and go largely unnoticed for a long time, and do significant damage in the meantime, if you aren’t attentive to your plumbing system. As we mentioned, plumbing issues can be hard to detect! Read on to learn what the signs are that you may be facing a leak.
