It’s been a pretty hot and humid summer thus far. That’s unlikely to change much any time soon. And that means that your air conditioner needs to continue firing on all cylinders. The last thing that you want is for your system to break down on you right when you need it most.
In truth, that rarely happens.
Yes, air conditioners do break down. That’s a fact. Want to hear another fact? That usually doesn’t happen without any type of warning sign at all. The issue is that a lot of homeowners fail to recognize the warning signs that their air conditioners in Woodstock are giving them.
Today, that ends.
We are going to cover some of the common warning signs that trouble is brewing with your system. Armed with that knowledge, you can then go about alerting us at the first sign of trouble. There is absolutely no situation in which delaying your AC repairs will benefit you. It is always best to act as soon as you notice any sign of trouble.
1. Strange New Sounds
It’s easy to convince people that strange new sounds signal problems. If your AC has never made a grinding sound, and is already doing so, then something isn’t right. The problem is that strange new sounds don’t always mean brand new. It could mean a sound that started out small, got a bit bigger, and crept it’s way up somewhere under your radar.
Just because your system is still running doesn’t mean it’s running properly. Any clanging, banging, hissing, squealing, or other odd sounds, brand new or just getting louder, need to be taken seriously. Don’t let them go unchecked!
2. Strange Odors
Does your air conditioner smell like burning? Is there any sort of chemical smell coming from it? Whatever the case, you need to contact us right away. Now, it could be something as simple as a very dirty air filter—in which case you need to change it more frequently.
However, it may also be an electrical issue. Or even a problem with insufficient lubrication. Whatever the case, you want to rule out serious problems fast.
3. Strange Hot Spots
If your home is not cool throughout, then you’ve got a problem. If your air conditioner never seemed to really cool your home evenly and effectively, then it may be too small for the space it’s trying to cool.
If it used to do so just fine, though, you may have a problem like leaky ducts. Or a refrigerant leak. Either way, you’re paying too much for too little comfort, and potentially putting your system at risk!
4. Strange Starting/Stopping
Does your system start and stop way more frequently than it used to? Does it seem to start up and then cycle right back down before doing much of anything?
That’s short cycling, and it’s a problem.
Again, this could be the result of anything from an electrical issue to a very dirty filter to a very serious refrigerant leak. Don’t write a short cycling system off as working “good enough.”
5. Strange Bills!
If you see a big spike in your cooling costs, but haven’t been using your AC any more than usual—call us! Don’t overpay for your comfort! Even a “minor” problem can really drive up operating costs if you don’t take action.
Contact HB Energy Solutions for all your energy needs. HB Energy Solutions delivers peace of mind.
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