We’ve had a pretty unpredictable spring season thus far, as much as it concerns weather patterns. It does seem as though we are finally out of winter’s lingering grasp, though, even if temperatures are still a bit chillier than many of us would like. Now that we find ourselves in between the chill of winter and the real heat of summer, you may be happy to rely less and less on your home heating system. You should not put it out of your thoughts entirely, though, especially if your heater seemed to be gasping at the finish the line this winter. If you are considering a heating replacement in Springfield, VT, now is a great time to schedule that service.
What Were Your Heating Bills Like?
If you have a relatively inefficient heater in your home, either because that is simply what you could afford at the time of purchase, or because you inherited the system with your home, you may want to consider replacing it even if it is still working reliably. This may sound counterintuitive, but the fact of the matter is that long term energy savings can help to offset the initial investment in a new heater, especially if you plan on being in your home for some time. We are happy to help you to find a more efficient fit your home, and we’ll design your new system with the specific needs of your home in mind.
Does Your System Heat Your Home Effectively?
Does your heater short cycle, shutting down before it’s had a chance to effectively warm your home? Has it always done so? It may not be of the right size for your residence, then. While there are a number of different heating problems that may render your system incapable of effectively heating your home, an inappropriately sized heater is the likely culprit if you have always had this issue. Alternatively, if your system has been underperforming more and more, despite being well-maintained, it may simply be incapable of functioning as well as it once did.
Is Your Heater Well Past Its Prime?
Finally, consider the age of your heater. All heaters, of course, have finite lifespans. If your system is beyond its projected lifespan, or is rapidly sneaking up on that age, now is a good time to get a new system installed. You don’t want to wait until you need your heater once more to realize the hard way that it simply does not have another season in it.
CallĀ HB Energy Solutions today to learn more about your heating replacement options.
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