Plumbing Tips for Avoiding Frozen Pipes


Winters can be brutal in our neck of the woods, and the recent cold snap was even colder than we’re generally accustomed to. Sure, there’ll be a January thaw before temperatures drop back down once again, but it is only a brief respite in an otherwise bitterly cold season. While a thaw is always nice, one thing you don’t want to have to thaw out is your plumbing system. It is much better to prevent your pipes from freezing in the first place.

Frozen pipes are not at all uncommon in this part of the country during this time of the year, and the truth is that there really isn’t a way to guarantee that you’ll never encounter the problem in your home. The good news, however, is that there are precautionary measures that you can take to at least reduce the risk of your pipes freeze up. Here are some tips to help you protect your plumbing in Chester, VT.

Make Sure That Those Pipes Are Insulated

Insulating your pipes, particularly those that pass through unheated areas of your property, is your first and best line of defense against the considerable headaches caused by frozen pipes. In some cases, your pipes may already be well insulated. In others, though, you’ll find bare pipes in exposed areas, and that can be a real problem.

Insulating your pipes is really quite simple, and it is a job that you can handle on your own. Pipe sleeves can be purchased at most hardware or plumbing supply stores, and they simply slip right over the pipe that requires insulation. They can easily be cut to size. Preventing the heat transfer that can lead to frozen pipes with adequate insulation is definitely in your best interest.

Keep Cabinet Doors and Drawers Open

This is one that homeowners often don’t think of on their own, and it may look a bit odd, but it works. If you have pipes that pass through your drawers or the cabinetry in your bathroom or kitchen, then you should leave those drawers and cabinets open when things really get frigid. This will help to keep heated air from the house circulating around those pipes, which may be enough to ward off issues with freezing.

If you have exposed pipes in your basement, and that area is not heated, then you should also leave any doors open that will help to keep those pipes warm. It doesn’t have to be all of the time, but when things really get cold out you can overlook any issues with aesthetics if it means protecting your plumbing system.

Run a Trickle Through the Pipes

We know, we know. You don’t want to waste water. We understand that homeowners are environmentally conscious and oftentimes frugal. However, running a trickle of water through your pipes can definitely benefit you in terms of preventing frozen plumbing pipes.

Don’t think of it as a waste. Think of it as an alternative use for your water. Yes, you’re paying for it just to go down the drain. However, it is serving a valuable purpose and can prevent issues that could lead to much more wasted water in the long run.

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