Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

New Hampshire AC Repair Tip: Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair Service

Monday, April 29th, 2013

We rely on our air conditioners in New Hampshire to provide energy efficient performance, so that we can avoid major energy bills during the summer. Like all mechanical systems, your air conditioner is subject to wear and tear, as well as damage, and needs to be professionally installed, maintained, and repaired in order to work properly. In this post, we’d like to review some signs that you may need air conditioning repair. Call HB Energy Solutions for comprehensive AC services in New Hampshire today!

  • AC won’t turn on: First, check your electrical panel to make sure that you haven’t blown a fuse or tripped a circuit breaker. If your AC still won’t turn on, then there could be several things wrong. It’s possible that your thermostat is faulty, in which case it either requires calibration so that it can accurately sense the temperature, or it needs to be replaced. There can also be connectivity issues. Alternatively, it could be an electrical problem: a damaged wire in the electrical supply, for instance.
  • Inadequate cooling: This is a common complaint. There are numerous reasons why your AC is not cooling as well as you need it to. First, check your air filter to see if it’s dirty or possibly clogged. If that’s the case, make sure you take care of your air filter so that it doesn’t restrict airflow. Check to see if you need to change or clean it once a month during the cooling season. Alternatively, you may have a duct leak somewhere within your home that is reducing airflow, or possibly low refrigerant.
  • Warm air: If your ducts are blowing out warm air, and your thermostat is properly set, then you have a problem. While there are many different possible reasons, your expansion valve may need to be adjusted, or it may be faulty.

We hope this gives you some idea about when to call for air conditioning repair. Call HB Energy Solutions for AC repair today! 

Springfield, VT Air Conditioning Question: How Does Central AC Work?

Monday, August 13th, 2012

Air conditioning systems are designed with one main purpose in mind: cooling indoor air so that our homes remain comfortable even when the weather outside is much too hot.

Central air conditioning systems work by cooling air within the air conditioner itself, and then sending that air conditioned air through a series of supply ducts to rooms throughout a building.  The air then circulates within that room and over time it heats up and returns through return ducts back to the air conditioner where it is once again cooled.  The cycle repeats as long as the central AC system is running.

The air cooling process within the air conditioner happens through a complex process involving different internal mechanical parts of the air conditioner.  The compressor is a device which compresses refrigerant, increasing its temperature and pressure thus turning it into a vapor.  The vapor flows into the condenser where the excess heat is transferred outside.  As this happens the refrigerant is turned back into a liquid state.  As air passes over the coils the air is cooled and dehumidified.  During dehumidification, excess moisture is removed from the air and turned into a liquid which is then drained.

Central air conditioning systems can utilize the same duct system as heating systems, and both can be controlled through one main thermostat.  At the thermostat you can set temperatures for varying days and times.  Central AC systems are more energy efficient than they used to be, and they continue to improve every year.

HB Energy Solutions offers central air conditioning installation, maintenance, and repair, so call us if you need AC service in Springfield, VT and the surrounding area!

Springfield Air Conditioning Guide: Things to Check When Your AC Won’t Turn On

Monday, August 6th, 2012

When the temperature outside is high you need an AC that will provide the comfort you want with reliability. If your Springfield, VT home’s air conditioner won’t turn on, don’t sweat it. There are many possible causes for this, and most can be repaired quickly, easily and cheaply by a professional. The technicians here at HB Energy Solutions have put together a list of likely culprits as to why your AC won’t start up.

  • Start with the basics: Is your air conditioner on? It sounds silly, but if you’re not familiar with a new machine or thermostat it’s a good place to start. Make sure the thermostat is switched to “cool” and that the temperature is set lower than that of the room.
  • Electrical problems: Your home cooling system’s power supply is not as simple as plugging it into a wall outlet and flipping a switch. There are a lot of electrical components to check. Blown fuses or tripped breakers, outdoor service switches, and switches in the system by the air handler may be the cause of your AC’s power problem.
  • Wiring damage: Having your AC’s compressor unit outside allows you to enjoy a quiet cooling system, but it also puts some wiring in an occasionally rough environment. In addition to indoor wiring, make sure that all outdoor wires and cable are attached and undamaged.
  • Condensate overflow: This is another simple solution to what seems like a big problem. Many air conditioners will have a condensate overflow pan in addition to a drainage system. If this pan is nearing capacity, it can flip an automatic shut-off switch to your system. Getting your AC running may be as simple as dumping a tray of water.
  • Refrigerant problems: A slightly more serious problem, but still easily resolved with the help of a professional, are refrigerant leaks. If your system’s refrigerant is low it may cause your system to ice up and cease performing. A professional technician will check your refrigerant charge and, if necessary, recharge it. This may have your AC back in action in no time.

We hope this information has been useful and put your mind at rest. An AC that won’t turn on is not always a broken AC. Call a Springfield air conditioning professional HB Energy Solutions to help you figure out how to get yours up and running again.

Check Out Our Blog for the Latest in HVAC Technology

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Be sure to bookmark the HB Energy Solutions blog for updates on the latest advances in Plumbing, HVAC, Solar and Electrical technology.

We’ll feature money saving promotions here as well.

Call HB Energy Solutions for all your Fuels, Heating, Plumbing, Air Conditioning, Electrical, Solar & Renewable Energy, Septic Services needs.