Archive for the ‘Electrical’ Category

Should I Upgrade My Fuse Box?

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Fuse boxes are functional home items that people usually take for granted. Homeowners only worry about their fuse boxes when a power outage occurs or a circuit breaker gets tripped. Because fuse boxes don’t get much attention, they often don’t receive updates or replacements when they should. Chances are high that the fuse box in your home is outdated and needs an upgrade. In this post we’ll address why you should consider improving your home’s fuse box.

For excellent Southern Vermont electrical technicians, call HB Energy Solutions. 

Fuse box upgrades and replacements

If you are having frequent blown fuses and tripped circuit breakers, you probably need to have an upgrade on your fuse box’s circuits and wiring. The first step to take is to have an electrician inspect your current fuse box to see if there are any repair issues that will fix the problem. The electrician will have advice about possible improvements, or if you should schedule a full replacement.

(One option you might look into if you have continual trouble with power surges blowing fuses or tripping circuit breakers is to install a whole-house surge protector, which does a more efficient job protecting your system from abrupt voltage increases than standard power strips.)

The most common fuse box upgrade is to change over from older fuses to circuit breakers. Although both have advantages and disadvantages, circuit breakers are much more convenient. For older fuse boxes, an electrician can add extra circuits that allow you to have grounded circuits for advanced technology like computers, plasma TVs, etc. Older fuse boxes were not built to handle these extra loads.

For very old fuse boxes, you may need to have all branch circuitry wiring replaced. In most cases, having extensive work like this done, or replacing the whole system, is important for your safety, since a faulty fuse box can turn into a fire hazard. Upgrades will also be necessary if your box no longer meets local codes. Your electrician should be familiar with these codes and know what repairs to make, or if a replacement is the better way to go.

So if you’re asking the question, “Should I upgrade my fuse box?” chances are strong that you do. You should at least call for an inspection to make sure you do not have a potential fire hazard.

For Southern Vermont electrical repair and installation, look to HB Energy Solutions. We offer full service. One call does it all—24 hours a day. We will figure out what your fuse box needs and deliver it.

Southern Vermont Electrical Guide: What Are GFCI Outlets?

Monday, October 28th, 2013

The presence of electricity at the flick of a switch is one of the marvels of the modern home—one that we now almost take for granted. We not only expect electrical devices in our home to work when we turn them on, but also that they won’t produce a dangerous electrical shock. This is why it’s vital to get electrical repairs done as soon as anything goes wrong: you not only risk the loss of the power you need in your daily life, but you also risk a shock.

One of the key parts of your electrical system that keeps you safe from injuries are GFCI outlets—something your home may not have if it’s older. Here are the basics you need to know about these crucial safety devices. If you want help keeping your electrical system in your Southern Vermont home operating safely, contact HB Energy Solutions today.

GFCI stands for “ground-fault circuit interrupter.” A GFCI outlet is designed specifically to prevent you from receiving an electrical shock from your household appliances, and in this way is different from a fuse, which protects wiring from overloads that could cause a fire. The way a GFCI outlet works is to detect differences between the two sides of the current from the outlet, the “hot” and the “neutral” side. If it detects an imbalance—even one as small as 4 or 5 milliamps—it could mean that power is flowing into a person. The outlet immediately cuts off the power supply to the device that is leaking electricity to prevent further shock. The reaction time can occur as fast as 1/30th of a second.

You can usually tell if you have GFCI outlets in your house: they will have reset buttons located between the two outlets. They are usually installed in your home in places with a lot of water use, such as your bathrooms and kitchen.

At HB Energy Solutions, we strive to be your one-call service company: heating, air conditioning, plumbing, and electrical. We have local Southern Vermont electrical experts ready to provide you complete services that will satisfy your needs. Contact us today for your home energy solutions.

Signs That Could Indicate Your Southern Vermont Electrical System Has Troubles

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

The electrical system is a staple of the home, providing light, heat and power for modern appliances. When trouble arises, it disrupts the flow of your life, and can prove costly as well as inconvenient. Residents of Southern Vermont pride themselves on their self-sufficiency, but troubles with your electrical system usually necessitate a service call from an expert. Here are some signs that indicate potential trouble with your electricity.

  • Tripped breakers. Tripper circuit breakers are usually the most obvious sign of faulty electrical wiring. They trip in the event of an overload, cutting power to that circuit and preventing further damage in the process.  If the breaker keeps tripping, it suggests a significant problem.
  • Flickering lights. If your lights flicker or dim, it may just be a problem with the light bulb. It could also be a loose connection with the wiring or problems with the fixture. Try replacing the bulb with a fresh one. If it doesn’t solve the issue, you should consult an electrician.
  • Warm fixtures. If you’re using a bulb with too much wattage or your fixture lack proper insulation, they could feel warm to the touch. That’s a problem because it means the fixture could overheat, creating a fire hazard.
  • Burning smell. Similarly, if you detect a burning smell whenever you turn on a light, it suggests an overload issue or a problem with faulty wiring. Turn off power to the light panel at the circuit panel and contact an electrician immediately.

For over 20 years, HB Energy Solutions has Offered electrical services to Southern Vermont. We offer 24-hour emergency service and off a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our work. If your electrical system is experiencing troubles, call us today to set up an appointment.

Basic Components of Your Electrical System

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

Every modern home has an electrical system, designed to run our lights, appliances and other devices that make modern living possible. In Southern Vermont, electrical problems can be more than an inconvenience, with cold temperatures and inclement weather outside creating all manner of problems. It helps to understand the basic components of your electrical system, so that you know what happens when there are problems and can give a service professional some basic idea of where to look.

Electricity in your home starts with the circuit breaker panel, which is connected to the main power supplied by your city or municipality. The breaker panel usually contains the main breaker, which covers the whole house, as well as individual breakers that run power to different specific outlets inside the house.

Electrical wiring goes out from the breaker box to each of the individual outlets in your home.  The wires have to meet certain codes, both federal and local, in order to be rated safely. Most circuits in the modern home have two conductors: one “hot” and one “neutral.” A third conductor, which grounds the electricity and channels it directly into the ground in the event of any emergency, is connected to every outlet in the home. Older wiring, such as “knob and tube” wiring used in the early decades of the 20th century, is no longer considered safe. If you live in an older home, check with a professional to see if your wiring is still up to code.

The wiring connects to the outlets in your wall, which let you access the electricity and power the lights and appliances in your home. Some outlets contain “mini-breakers” that shut off the power when an appliance overload them.

When your electrical system experiences problems, you should contact a trained service professional immediately. HB Energy employs trained professionals who can safely handle all kinds of electrical issues, and we serve most communities in Southern Vermont. Call us for an appointment today; we’re dedicated to your satisfaction and will work hard to correct your problem the first time, every time.

Common Causes of Southern Vermont Electrical Problems

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Your electrical system allows you to harness the power of appliances and gadgets that require electricity by providing a safe and comprehensive network of circuitry and receptacles. But as with any aspect of our home, our electrical systems may need repair and professional service at some point. It’s critical that you find a good electrician to work on your home. Electricity can be dangerous, so make sure that you call the pros at HB Energy to solve your Southern Vermont electrical problems.

Let’s take a look at some common causes of such problems in your home.

  • Faulty connection: Your home’s electrical wiring works by virtue of a circuit, and this circuit depends on the integrity of its connections. If one of your wires fails, either due to heat or physical damage, then this can cause a faulty connection. For example, if you have any flickering lights in your home, this is often the consequence of a wiring issue.
  • Moisture: Water and electricity don’t mix, as well all know. But less obvious is the impact of moisture and humidity on your home electrical system. While most electrical materials are well-insulated to protect against the risk of invasive moisture, and GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters) can detect water and shut themselves off to prevent shorting the entire system, you need to make sure that your home electrical system is safe from any encroaching moisture or water.
  • Improper installation: Unfortunately, one of the common causes of electrical problems in the home is because of improper installation. Remember, only hire a certified and reputable electrician to perform work on your home.

If you’re having an issue with your electrical system in Southern Vermont, then make sure you give HB Energy a call today. 

Southern Vermont Electrical Safety Tips

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Spring is a time for cleaning, organizing, and outdoor maintenance. Make sure that you and your family know the risks and dangers of electrical equipment. While most people know the danger of electricity, everyone needs to be educated about home safety. Here at HB Energy Solutions, we work with a wide range of energy products and services, from septic tanks to comprehensive electrical installation. In this post, we’d like to pass along some electrical safety tips. For comprehensive energy solutions, call the Southern Vermont electrical experts at HB Energy Solutions today!

  • Be aware of overhead wires. As you do your spring cleaning outside the home, remember to know where any overhead wires are at all times, particularly if you’re working on a ladder.
  • Inspect any home tools for electrical faults. If you have any electrical equipment, make sure that it’s safe to operate by taking a look for any frayed or damaged wiring.
  • Don’t overload outlets. Plugging too many gadgets or multiple surge protectors into a single electrical outlet can overload your electrical system and be hazardous. If you need additional power sources, then make sure they are professionally installed.
  • Don’t operate electrical equipment near water. In places like the kitchen, bathroom, or even outside around the swimming pool, the operation of electrical equipment can be dangerous. Keeping electricity and water separate is obvious to most people, but it’s easy to overlook, too. Make sure that any potentially harmful devices are out of the reach of young children.
  • Have an electrical problem? Hire a pro. There’s no substitute for the knowledge and experience of a trained professional. Handling electricity can be dangerous, and you need to make sure that you’re not doing more harm than good. Make sure you hire a certified electrician.

Electrical problems can place your home in danger and your comfort at risk. Make sure you stay alert to flickering lights, frequently tripped circuit breakers, and wobbly switches. When you need a Southern Vermont electrical expert, call HB Energy Solutions.

What to Remember When Having New Wiring Installed in Southern Vermont

Monday, January 7th, 2013

The installation of new wiring in your Southern Vermont home is a pretty big project to undertake. In truth, it is one of the most disruptive services you can have completed in a preexisting home. The invasiveness of a complete electrical rewiring is worth the considerable hassle, though. If your electrician has reason for concern enough to suggest the rewiring of your home, you had best listen to that suggestion carefully.

At HB Energy Solutions, we will not promise you that your electrical rewiring will be quick and simple, nor can we make it so. What we can do, though, is to make the process as painless as possible. A big part of making the electrical rewiring service in your home as minimally disruptive as possible is simply to be prepared for it. Here are some things for you to remember in preparation for your electrical rewiring project.

  • Plan on having somewhere large enough to store your furniture…pretty much all of it. Any room that is being rewired will need to have the furniture moved out. Chances are you do not want to trust the New England weather with all your furniture sitting on your lawn. Plan ahead for this.
  • Keep in mind the fact that floor boards will need to be pulled up. If you have laminate floors this can be a pretty big project in and of itself. Be sure to discuss all aspects of the service with your electrical service provider. Do not realize that you have not properly budgeted for this work once it is underway.
  • Expect a decent amount of work once the rewiring is done. We will ensure that your new wiring is convenient, safe and dependable. Plan on spending some time getting your home back to normal.

An electrical rewiring project is always a big one. Even partial rewires require a lot of work and exceptional service quality. When you need electrical rewiring services in the Southern Vermont area, contact HB Energy Solutions. We will make sure that you have the reliable access to safe electricity you need to live comfortably in your home.

Why You Should Replace Your Old Fuse Box: Walpole, NH Electrical Tip

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Years ago, fuse boxes were standard on many homes in Walpole, NH. However, thanks to advancements in technology, most new homes are built using a circuit breaker. However, not all homes have converted to the newer circuit breakers. If you’ve just moved into a home with a fuse box there are a number of reasons why you should have it upgraded to a circuit breaker. Below we describe some of the benefits of doing so.

How Fuse Boxes Work

Electricity flows into your home from the street and into your fuse box. The job of the fuse box is to route the power to where it’s needed. The second job of the fuse box is to protect your house from power spikes. As electricity passes through the copper wires of your home it produces heat. If the wires get too hot they could catch fire. Fuses protect against that by shutting down the flow of electricity when too much heat is present. As electricity flows from the street into your home it has to pass through a fuse which is comprised of a thin metal wire called a filament. If the electric current gets too hot the filament will melt and the connection will be broken. Once the fuse is melted it has to be replaced.


One of the great benefits to upgrading your fuse box to a circuit breaker is safety. Fuse boxes are obsolete technology. When the fuse is melted it has to be replaced with a new one. Also, when the old fuse is removed, both ends of the electrical connection are exposed leaving the homeowner vulnerable to electrocution.

Insurance and Code Compliance

In many cities, old fuse boxes aren’t in compliance with building codes. This could also mean that the wiring in your home might be out of compliance as well. To get your home back up to code you would need to upgrade to a new circuit breaker. But sometimes, the old wiring and the new circuit breaker don’t interact well. This can cause your circuit breaker to trip a lot which is annoying.

Additionally, some mortgage insurance brokers won’t cover your home if it has an older fuse box. This has to do with the fire danger. But many lenders require you to have mortgage insurance so upgrading the fuse box will be necessary.

Available Power

Finally, many old fuse boxes only had 2 to 4 available circuits for appliances. Obviously, new homes have a much greater electricity demand. New circuit breakers can have room for up to 24 circuits.

If you have an old fuse box in your Walpole, NH home that you would like to have replaced, contact HB Energy Solutions. We have years of experience working with all types of old fuse boxes and circuit breakers. Give us a call today! 

Bellows Falls VT Electrical Guide: How Surge Protection Protects Your Home

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Your Bellows Falls VT home is filled with devices attached to and drawing power from the electrical system. You probably have components in place to protect certain devices, such as your computer and television from power surges, but what about the rest of your home? Power surges can occur at any time and they can have a direct, negative impact on your major appliances and even the wiring in your house.

 Why Surge Protection Is Necessary

A power surge occurs when a larger than normal volume of electricity courses through the wires within a circuit. Normally, your home is protected against such surges. Fuses are designed to blow out if the current gets too strong and circuits breakers are designed to trip. But in certain circumstances, surges can occur anyways.

They can occur during electrical storms with a lot of lightning flashes. They can occur when there are interruptions to the power entering your home, especially if it goes on and off frequently. They can even happen simply because of a hiccup in a transformer supplying your home with power.

Protecting Your Home and Appliances

The wiring in your home is not designed to handle sudden surges of electricity, especially not if they happen often. It can damage and fray the wiring and eventually lead to power loss or even an increased risk of fire. Your appliances will be damaged even quicker as the sensitive circuitry and electronic component inside can be broken by a sudden surge of excess electricity.

For all these reasons, it is recommended that you have a whole house surge protector for your Bellows Falls VT home. These devices stop these large surges of electricity from entering your wiring, stopping them at the circuit breaker and preventing shorts in things like your air conditioner or heating system. Contact HB Energy Solutions today to learn more about what these devices can do.