Don’t Sabotage Your Heater! Common Heating Mistakes

While using a home heating system may seem very straightforward, there are actually some pretty common mistakes made that can hinder any heater’s overall performance. Our winter weather in this area is far too extreme to take any chances with your heater. This season is expected to be a doozy, so make sure that you are making these common mistakes with your heater in Bellows Falls, VT.

Cranking Up the Thermostat

It’s happened to all of us at some point. The day unexpected warms up, so you turn down the thermostat to take some strain off of the heater. Maybe you open up the curtains to let the sun warm your home up naturally. You go out for the day, and the temperature drops before you get back home. Now it’s freezing inside. So what do you do next?

If your answer is to dial the thermostat up to 80°, then you’ve made the wrong decision. Your thermostat is really just a switch that activates the heater and sets a temperature limit. It’s not like a gas pedal that will cause your car to speed up the more you floor it. It is going to heat your home at the same rate if you turn it up very high. The only difference is that you are giving the heater a tough target to reach. That can cause it to work longer and harder than it should have to, and you’ll probably realize that it’s too warm before the temperature is achieved, anyway.

Turning the System On and Off

When you leave the house for the day, you don’t want to run the heater as you would when you are relaxing with the family at night. If your solution is to shut the heater off before you leave the house, think again. This leaves you with a freezing home to return to at the end of the workday, and forces your system to play catch-up.

Instead, consider using a programmable thermostat to work your heater around your schedule. You can maintain a more moderate temperature in your home throughout the day, and still have a comfortable environment waiting for you when you come back home. That way, you can enjoy great comfort and great efficiency.

Call HB Energy Solutions for all your energy needs. HB Energy Solutions delivers peace of mind.


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