We live in and service an area of great natural beauty. The White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Green Mountains of Vermont—it really is no surprise that so many folks flock to our area for summer hikes, autumn leaf peeping, and winter skiing. They don’t seem to come around as much for mud season, but hey—we deserve something for ourselves, right? Considering the beauty around here, it’s no wonder that so many homeowners are interested in sustainability.
If you are one of those homeowners, then you have probably already considered the installation of a solar energy system. However, you may also have considered our snowy winters, gray evenings, and ice buildup. That may have driven you away from pursuing solar too far. We’re here to tell you, as your Southern Vermont solar power pros, that solar is in fact a very viable option in our area. You just need seasoned pros like our team on your side.
The Big Concern: Snow
You wouldn’t be living around here if you didn’t love snow. Okay, like snow. Okay, tolerate—well, let’s put it this way. The snow isn’t enough to drive you out of town. That doesn’t mean that it’s always convenient, though. And yes, snow will affect your solar energy production.
But Not As Much As You’d Expect
A question that a lot of homeowners ask is if they should clear the snow off of their solar panels in order to maximize production. The answer really is no. Getting up on a roof in the winter is obviously a dangerous situation.
And, even if you’re going to use a snow broom, we typically advise against it. You really don’t want to scratch up or otherwise damage your solar panels. In this part of the country, the solar panels used have our harsh weather conditions in mind. That doesn’t mean that they can’t be damaged, though.
Technology like inverters, which will ensure the rest of the system functions normally even if some panels are covered, solve this problem. So too does the fact that sunny winter days produce a lot of solar energy, and batteries can store it. Plus, the material of the PV panels will heat up and slide snow off faster than the rest of the roof, usually.
It’s Not Just About Solar Panels
When people first start exploring their solar options, solar panels is obviously the big thing that jumps to mind.
We also install systems like solar water heaters and even commercial solar hot water systems too, though.
Interested in even more sustainable options? Contact us to talk about your wind power options, too!
HB Energy Solutions Delivers Peace of Mind
It doesn’t matter if you’re just looking for a solar installation estimate, you need solar panels replaced, or you want a more traditional system like a furnace or a boiler tuned up. We do it all, so you don’t have to keep a running list of contractors to contact.
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