Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Maintenance’

Your Early Winter Air Filter PSA

Monday, December 9th, 2024

At HB Energy Solutions, we’re committed to keeping your home comfortable and your HVAC system running smoothly. As winter approaches, we want to remind you of one often overlooked yet crucial task: replacing your air filter. This small but essential step can make a world of difference for your heating system and your home’s overall air quality.

Let’s discuss why replacing your air filter matters, the benefits it provides, and how you can stay ahead of potential HVAC problems this winter.


Check Out Our Vermont Winter Checklist!

Monday, October 14th, 2024

Winter in Vermont is breathtaking, but the cold weather can bring challenges every homeowner should prepare for. As temperatures drop and snow begins to fall, ensuring your home is ready to handle the season is essential. Whether you’re a new resident or a seasoned Vermonter, a winter checklist can help you stay ahead of the cold and avoid last-minute problems.

Here’s a checklist to help you prepare your home for the coming winter months.


When Should I Schedule Heating System Maintenance in Southern Vermont?

Monday, August 25th, 2014

It’s always tough to say goodbye to summer and turn toward the colder months. But a winter in Vermont can be one of the loveliest in the country, and if you properly prepare your home for the coming cold weather, there’s no reason that you can’t make the winter as joyous a season as the summer.

With summer almost finished, now is the time to start thinking about your home’s heating system. You may not need to turn on your furnace or boiler, or switch the heat pump to heating mode, for a couple of weeks yet, but you should take advantage of this cooler time to schedule your annual heating system maintenance in Southern Vermont.

HB Energy Solutions is one of your best options for heating maintenance. We install and service an enormous variety of home comfort systems, from wood-burning boilers to solar-powered heat pumps. You can rely on our expertise to make sure that your heater is ready for the coming Vermont winter.

Why you should schedule heating maintenance now

Professional maintenance for a heating system is sometimes called preventive maintenance, because one of its principle objectives is to prevent repair problems and breakdowns. You don’t want to wade into the cold season without all the proper preventive measures done for your home’s furnace, boiler, etc. A repair issue or a complete breakdown during one of the coldest days of the year is something you definitely do not want to occur! With your heating maintenance taken care of a few months ahead of the heaviest colds, you will have the best assurance possible that you won’t need to make emergency heating calls.

Another reason to take advantage of the early fall for heating maintenance is that technicians have an easier time scheduling the sessions. Between the summer heat and fall chill, HVAC companies experience a lower amount of emergency calls, and you should have no trouble arranging a convenient time for a skilled technician to come to your home and inspect and tune-up your heater.

Call us to schedule your heating maintenance today

Yearly maintenance for a heater is mandatory: it keeps the system from prematurely aging and wasting energy, and it also protects you from malfunctions. Take care of the job as soon as you can so you can scratch one more “to-do” from your fall list. Contact HB Energy Solutions today to sign up for our maintenance plan, or download the plan from our website.

Let our wide range of expertise in heating and cooling help you receive the best heating system maintenance in Southern Vermont. Call us today!