Posts Tagged ‘Ludlow’

Why Are My Lights Flickering?

Monday, March 28th, 2016

Among the most common questions that our electricians hear is “why are my lights flickering?”. In truth, there are a few different reasons as to why the lights in your residential lighting system may flicker. What you cannot afford to do is to take flickering lights lightly. A flickering light may seem like little more than a minor annoyance, but it can actually be indicative of much more serious issues with your electrical system. If you encounter any problems with your indoor or outdoor lighting systems in Ludlow, VT, make sure that ours is the number that you dial. We’ll get to the bottom of the situation in order to resolve the issue completely.  (more…)

My Furnace Smells Like Burning. Do I Need Repairs?

Monday, February 8th, 2016

The furnace is one of the most popular of all home heating systems, which will come as no surprise to anyone that has ever basked in the consistent, reliable comfort that such heating systems allow for. They can use a variety of fuels in their operation, including natural gas, propane, or simply electricity, and their method of forced air heat distribution means that they can heat homes as promptly as they do effectively. For all of their pros, though, you must remember that even the furnace is not perfect. You are going to need furnace repairs in Ludlow, VT eventually. Keep your eyes out for signs of trouble—or, in the event of a burning odor, your nose.


Why Are There Cold Spots in My Home?

Monday, January 25th, 2016

Considering how blisteringly cold it can get around here during the long, arduous heating season, you really don’t want to encounter problems when trying to heat your home. Unfortunately, there is simply no way in which to guarantee that you will never encounter issues when doing so. One of the more common problems that homeowners run into in heating their homes is the development of cold spots throughout. Of course, the fact that this problem is somewhat common does nothing to make it less aggravating. If you are having trouble heating your home, be sure to contact the Ludlow, VT heating professionals on our staff. HB Energy Solutions is here to help get your heating system back on track. (more…)

Why You May Want to Use a Humidifier This Winter

Monday, November 9th, 2015

This winter, you are going to be using your home heating system a lot in order to keep your home at a warm, comfortable temperature. Because the air during the winter season is so cold and dry, though, you may encounter another problem in your home: low humidity levels. While running your home heating system is not likely to dry out the air in your home in the manner that running an air conditioner may, it certainly is not going to add humidity to the cold air coming in from outdoors.

By using a whole-house humidifier in Ludlow, VT, though, you can do just that. Read on for some examples of how using a humidifier this winter can benefit you, and remember to schedule all of your heating and indoor air quality services with the professionals here at HB Energy Solutions. (more…)

Remember to Take Advantage of Our Dual Fuel Discount

Monday, October 26th, 2015

One of the areas in which HB Energy Solutions excels is in the delivery of various fuels to our customers. It is easy to take the convenient and reliable delivery of heating fuels for granted, but only when that delivery is indeed convenient and reliable. If you’ve ever dealt with an unreliable fuel delivery company, then you know just how problematic taking your fuel delivery for granted can be. Fortunately for you, our team is here to ensure that you have the fuels that you need, when you need them, and also that you are getting the great pricing that we know you deserve. Contact us today to learn more about the fuels that we offer in Ludlow, VT, and the benefits of our dual fuel discount.  (more…)

3 Things You Should Look For In a New Furnace in Ludlow

Monday, November 26th, 2012

Getting a new furnace for your Ludlow home can be a stressful time. But it can also be an exciting time as you get ready to enjoy efficient and reliable heat for your home this winter. At HB Energy Solutions, we’ve installed countless furnaces for our customers in the Ludlow area. For this blog post, we thought it would be a good idea if we put together the top 3 things to look for in a new furnace.

The Size of the Furnace

One of the most common furnace problems that we see in Ludlow is a furnace that is the wrong size for the home. In many cases, the furnace is too large for the home. Having a load calculation performed on your home is a great way to figure out exactly what size of furnace you need. Here are some of the benefits to having a load calculation performed on your home:

  • Greater efficiency – When your furnace is the right size, it will most likely operate more efficiently.
  • Greater comfort – Furnaces that are too big often cause large temperature swings and hot and cold spots in your home.
  • Reduced wear and tear – When the furnace is too big, it turns on, quickly heats your home and then turns off. When your house cools town, it turns back on again. This causes extra wear and tear on your furnace.

Efficiency Rating

Furnaces are given an annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating which measures how much of the fuel they consume over a season is actually converted into usable heat. Many old furnaces have an AFUE of around 60%. This means that 40% of the fuel they consume is wasted. Newer furnaces can have an AFUE of 95% or higher.

Fuel Type

Depending on where you live and many other factors, it might be a good idea to at least consider the fuel options that are available to you. For example, if you already have a natural gas running into your home, you may want to consider switching from an electric furnace to a gas-fired one. In many cases, natural gas is less expensive than electricity. This is all highly dependent on your specific situation and budget.

If you’d like help picking out a new furnace for your home in Ludlow, contact the heating experts at HB Energy Solutions. We have years of experience working with all types and brands of furnaces. We can help you find the correct size and efficiency rating for your home. Call us today! 

Signs That You Need Heating System Repair Service in Chester, VT

Monday, November 19th, 2012

When it comes to keeping your Chester, VT home’s heating system operating at the levels of efficiency and effectiveness that you demand, a proper installation and regular, professional maintenance are necessary. Of course, even with the best installation possible, a high-quality machine and meticulous maintenance service, your heating system is still going to have some trouble every now and then. When problems do develop with your heater it is important that you procure the necessary, professional heating system repair service you need as quickly as possible. The early detection, diagnosis and treatment of your heating system problems is the best way to ensure uninterrupted heating service as well as to keep the necessary repairs as minimal as possible. When you need heating system repairs in Chester, VT, you need to call the heater repair service experts at HB Energy. We have all the skills, training and experience necessary to get your heater back on track in no time. Of course, before you can schedule heating system repairs you must be aware of a problem with your heater. Here are some common warning signs and indicators that you should call for heater repairs.

Any decline in your home heating system’s performance is reason enough to call your professional heating service provider. If you notice that your home has developed cold spots or if your heater is having trouble keeping your home at the desired temperature, call for repair service immediately. These conditions are indicative of a problem with your heater that will only worsen if given the time.

If you notice an increase in the cost of operating your home heating system but have not made any changes to your heating habits you may have a problem requiring professional repair service. This is clearly a case of reduced heating efficiency, and there are many factors that can contribute to this problem. Call for repair service the moment you notice this heating cost increase.

Also, don’t try to convince yourself that an irregularity or inconsistency with your heater is to minor to be cause for alarm. Sure, strange sounds or odors coming from your heating system may not seem like that big a deal. It is important that you do not put off repair service for these conditions, though. They can be warning signs that a much more serious problem is developing.

For more information about keeping your heater operating efficiently and effectively with professional heating system repair service, call HB Energy Solutions. We’ll help you keep your Chester, VT home warm this winter.

Springfield, VT Air Conditioning Question: How Does Central AC Work?

Monday, August 13th, 2012

Air conditioning systems are designed with one main purpose in mind: cooling indoor air so that our homes remain comfortable even when the weather outside is much too hot.

Central air conditioning systems work by cooling air within the air conditioner itself, and then sending that air conditioned air through a series of supply ducts to rooms throughout a building.  The air then circulates within that room and over time it heats up and returns through return ducts back to the air conditioner where it is once again cooled.  The cycle repeats as long as the central AC system is running.

The air cooling process within the air conditioner happens through a complex process involving different internal mechanical parts of the air conditioner.  The compressor is a device which compresses refrigerant, increasing its temperature and pressure thus turning it into a vapor.  The vapor flows into the condenser where the excess heat is transferred outside.  As this happens the refrigerant is turned back into a liquid state.  As air passes over the coils the air is cooled and dehumidified.  During dehumidification, excess moisture is removed from the air and turned into a liquid which is then drained.

Central air conditioning systems can utilize the same duct system as heating systems, and both can be controlled through one main thermostat.  At the thermostat you can set temperatures for varying days and times.  Central AC systems are more energy efficient than they used to be, and they continue to improve every year.

HB Energy Solutions offers central air conditioning installation, maintenance, and repair, so call us if you need AC service in Springfield, VT and the surrounding area!