Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Are You Ready to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, April 10th, 2017

question-markOkay, we’ll admit that looking out the window doesn’t exactly bring summer heat to mind just yet. While we are still in the rather chilly hold of spring, however, it is important to remember that summer really is just around the corner. That means that you need to have your air conditioner ready for action once the warmer weather really does arrive. That means that you should really get your AC replacement out of the way if you are planning to have a new AC in place before temperatures begin to rise.

But when is an air conditioning replacement actually necessary? The only scenario in which an air conditioner absolutely must be replace, obviously, is one in which the system is broken down and cannot be repaired. That doesn’t mean that you should wait for such a scenario to present itself, though. In fact, you are much better served by replacing your air conditioning system before it breaks down entirely. Keep these tips in mind, and remember to schedule your AC replacement in Woodstock, VT with our team. (more…)

Help! My AC Is Blowing Warm Air!

Monday, August 8th, 2016

When people think of Vermont’s weather, they probably first think of cold, dark winters. We certainly have our share of cold weather, but if you’ve been here the last few summers, you know that it gets quite hot around here as well. That is why any problems with your AC in the summer are just as dire as a failing heater in the winter.

One common problem that homeowners encounter with their air conditioning systems is hot or warm air blowing out of the vents. This is obviously not normal, and the problem may have a few different source causes. Whatever the case, you can count on us to get your air conditioner in Springfield, VT back on track.


How Often Should I Be Adding Refrigerant to My Air Conditioning System?

Sunday, July 24th, 2016

If you are wondering if you should be adding refrigerant to your whole-house cooling system, the answer is no. Never. Air conditioning systems don’t consume refrigerant the way that a car consumes gasoline. Instead, the refrigerant is — or should be — held in a closed loop system. It is not burned up or otherwise used by the AC, and it should have no means of escape from the refrigerant loop.

This isn’t always the case, of course, and you may indeed encounter low refrigerant levels at some point. If and when you do, you just need to dial our number to have the problem resolved. We’ll get to the root of the issue, completing any necessary air conditioning repairs in Ludlow, VT. (more…)

Why Is My AC Making Strange Sounds?

Monday, July 18th, 2016

No air conditioner is going to operate completely silently. That being said, you probably have a pretty good idea of what your air conditioner in Woodstock, VT sounds like when it is running to keep your home cool throughout the summer season. If it starts to make loud, unfamiliar, or simply alarming sounds, we strongly suggest that you contact a member of our staff right away.

You never want to wait for serious problems to develop with your home cooling system before scheduling any air conditioning repairs that you may need. If you convince yourself that these sounds are no big deal, that is precisely what you are doing. Such sounds are often warning signs of more serious problems in development.  (more…)

3 Reasons to Consider Replacing Your Air Conditioner

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Things have really warmed up around here in the past few weeks. You’ve most likely been running your air conditioner with increased frequency in order to enjoy the cool, comfortable environment that you demand in your home. Have you noticed any issues with your air conditioner’s performance when doing so? Have you been toying with the idea of replacing your air conditioner for a season or two? It is best to complete an air conditioning replacement prior to the complete breakdown of your system, so we recommend that you contact us if you have any concerns or replacement plans. We’ll make sure that your AC replacement in Ludlow, VT is a complete success. (more…)

Why Should I Be Concerned About Ice on My Air Conditioning System?

Monday, May 16th, 2016

In a perfect world, you would never have to worry about your air conditioner’s ability to cool your home in an effective and reliable manner. Here in the real world, though, there is no such thing as a 100% reliable mechanical system. At some point, you are going to encounter problems with your air conditioner which may inhibit the overall quality of its operation. When that time comes, you really need to act quickly if you hope to minimize any potential damages to your system. One warning sign that you need air conditioning repairs in Springfield, VT to be aware of is the development of ice on your air conditioning system.  (more…)

What Are the Signs of a Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

It is going to be a little while longer before homeowners in this area are running their whole-house cooling systems with any real regularity. Once the hottest time of the year is really upon us, though, it is important that you are able to use your air conditioner effectively and reliably. In order to guarantee that this is the case, you need to be able to spot the signs of problems so that you can schedule any necessary repairs as soon as possible. One common problem that homeowners may encounter with their ACs is a refrigerant leak. If you notice any of these warning signs, contact us to schedule AC repairs in Springfield, VT right away. (more…)

You Must Change Your AC Filter Regularly

Monday, April 18th, 2016

We are eagerly anticipating the warm, sunny days of summer around here, especially after such a chilly spring season. If you are hoping to enjoy the heat of summer to the fullest, then you must be sure to keep your air conditioning system in great working condition so that you have a comfortable home to return to at the end of the day. Scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance in Woodstock, VT is the best way in which to ensure that this is the case. You must remember, though, that you cannot leave your air filter replacement solely to your AC technician. You must change the filter regularly, between sessions, in order to get the most from your AC. (more…)

Why Is My AC Shutting Off So Soon?

Monday, April 11th, 2016

We certainly haven’t had any warm weather necessitating the use of an air conditioning system just yet. However, the heat of summer will be here before you know it, and that is a truth that most around here will welcome with open arms. Just remember, though, that you need to know that your AC is going to function reliably if you hope to enjoy your summer to the fullest. Any problems with your air conditioner during the summer season, such as short cycling, can seriously impede your overall enjoyment of the warmer weather. If you notice any such issues, be sure to schedule professional air conditioning repairs with a member of our staff right away. (more…)

Need a New AC? Why Not Go Ductless?

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Here in Vermont, summer can really take its time to get rolling. When it does, though, it can bring the heat and the humidity with the best of’em. If you want to keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the hottest time of the year, you need more than a great AC system. You also need great AC technicians to install and service that system, and you’ll fine them when you work with the pros on our staff. If you are thinking about replacing your home cooling system before summer gets going, or if you’ve been relying upon window units to cool your home thus far, we recommend that you serious consider a ductless mini split heat pump in Springfield, VT. (more…)