Posts Tagged ‘whole-house generator’

Whole-House Generator vs. Portable Generator: Making the Choice

Monday, April 1st, 2024

In today’s unpredictable climate, power outages have become more than just a minor inconvenience—they’re a significant disruption to our daily lives, impacting everything from our comfort and security to our food preservation and health. While the immediate solution to this problem is often summarized in one word—generators—the choice between a whole-house generator and a portable generator is less straightforward. Let’s dive into the benefits and limitations of both, emphasizing why a whole-house generator often emerges as the superior choice for comprehensive home power backup.


How to Make Sure Your Whole-House Generator Lasts for Many Years

Monday, February 5th, 2024

A whole-house generator is one of the most useful investments you can make as a homeowner to protect your family in case of a power outage. However, any whole-house generator requires attention to ensure it stands the test of time. 

In this guide, we’ll explore several of the vital steps homeowners can take to guarantee the longevity of their whole-house generator, emphasizing both maintenance you can do yourself and the invaluable role of professional expertise. You can always look to our team for service for your whole-house generator in Southern Vermont.


How Whole House Generators Reduce Lifetime Stress

Monday, April 17th, 2023

Love it or hate it, we’re tied to the power grid. We become so dependent on our electronics for all forms of modern convenience and comfort that we can’t think of life without electricity. It’s great, but it’s also stressful when you think about one big storm wiping that all away for a few days (or weeks).

A whole house generator is the solution. Stable, secured, and able to carry you through the roughest storms with full power to your home, they’re the ultimate addition you should’ve added sooner. Let’s walk you through why they’re incredible, and how they can melt your homeowner stress away.


Avoid the Blackout With a Whole-House Generator

Monday, January 11th, 2021

generatorBack in the day, when homes only had a few small items that used electricity, blackouts weren’t such a big deal. Today however they can seriously mess with your daily life and your home’s operation. It doesn’t matter how many candles you own, when the power goes out everyone starts asking the same question: “When will it come back on?”

What if a blackout or power outage didn’t have to be such a big interruption though? If you have a whole-house generator, you are going to get better protection against power outages if and when they pop up. That means you can continue with your day with little disturbance.


Protect Your Home and Your Family with a Generator

Monday, October 7th, 2019

generatorIt’s just barely October, and not all of you are going to want to hear this, but—winter is on its way. Winters in Vermont can be beautiful, but they are also a lot of hard work and they can be quite stressful at times. If you ask us, it pays to take any measures possible to reduce that stress in any way possible. One recommendation that we cannot make strongly enough is that you take advantage of a whole-house generator.

A whole-house generator works much the same as a portable generator in principle, but on a much larger scale. While portable generators are great for power radios and other equipment for camping trips or tailgating events, they are not going to power your entire home when the power goes out due to winter storms. A whole-house generator can do just that, though. Or, at least, it can when it is properly installed and serviced. To ensure that this is the case, schedule your whole-house generator services with our electricians in Ludlow, VT.
