Posts Tagged ‘Springfield’

Help! My AC Is Blowing Warm Air!

Monday, August 8th, 2016

When people think of Vermont’s weather, they probably first think of cold, dark winters. We certainly have our share of cold weather, but if you’ve been here the last few summers, you know that it gets quite hot around here as well. That is why any problems with your AC in the summer are just as dire as a failing heater in the winter.

One common problem that homeowners encounter with their air conditioning systems is hot or warm air blowing out of the vents. This is obviously not normal, and the problem may have a few different source causes. Whatever the case, you can count on us to get your air conditioner in Springfield, VT back on track.


Is My Water Line Leaking?

Monday, July 11th, 2016

The plumbing system that distributes potable water through your home and disposes of wastewater when its purpose has been served is incredibly important. It is your water line that is responsible for bringing that water to your home to begin with. Needless to say, any issues with water line leaks in Springfield, VT are very serious, and require prompt repairs.

Of course, before you can go about scheduling any necessary water line repairs, you must first recognize that your water line is in trouble to begin with. Here are  a few potential warning signs that you’ve got a water leak on your property. Contact us the moment that you suspect an issue has developed. (more…)

Whole-House Generators: 3 Factors to Consider

Monday, July 4th, 2016

It doesn’t matter if we are in the midst of a frigid winter season with heavy snowfalls, or if the summer happens to be a particularly stormy one: reliable electricity is a must. If you want to ensure that your home stays up and running, even when the power from your local grid goes down, you are wise to invest in a whole-house generator in Springfield, VT or the surrounding areas. (more…)

What Is Wrong with My Smoke Detectors?

Monday, May 30th, 2016

Living comfortably in your home throughout the year is very important. Living safely in your home at all times, though, is absolutely vital. It is for this reason that we have smoke detectors installed throughout our homes. Like any electronic device, of course, smoke detectors are prone to the occasional operational problem. While you may ignore “minor” issues with your television, alarm clock, or smart phone, though, you must keep in mind the fact that you do not entrust your safety or your life to these devices on a daily basis. You do so with your smoke detectors in Springfield, VT, though, which is why you should know what kind of issues they may encounter.  (more…)

Why Is the Indoor Air Quality in My Home Declining?

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

Have you noticed that the air quality in your home just isn’t all that you’d like it to be? If so, know that you can always turn to the professionals on our staff in order to get the systems and services that you need in order to improve conditions. It is important to remember that there are a lot of different reasons as to why your indoor air quality may slip. Only when the problems are accurately diagnosed and the right steps taken can you hope for the situation to be resolved. That is why you should contact a member of our team when you feel as though you are breathing air that doesn’t live up to your deservedly high expectations.


Why Should I Be Concerned About Ice on My Air Conditioning System?

Monday, May 16th, 2016

In a perfect world, you would never have to worry about your air conditioner’s ability to cool your home in an effective and reliable manner. Here in the real world, though, there is no such thing as a 100% reliable mechanical system. At some point, you are going to encounter problems with your air conditioner which may inhibit the overall quality of its operation. When that time comes, you really need to act quickly if you hope to minimize any potential damages to your system. One warning sign that you need air conditioning repairs in Springfield, VT to be aware of is the development of ice on your air conditioning system.  (more…)

Is Now the Right Time to Replace My Heating System?

Monday, May 9th, 2016

We’ve had a pretty unpredictable spring season thus far, as much as it concerns weather patterns. It does seem as though we are finally out of winter’s lingering grasp, though, even if temperatures are still a bit chillier than many of us would like. Now that we find ourselves in between the chill of winter and the real heat of summer, you may be happy to rely less and less on your home heating system. You should not put it out of your thoughts entirely, though, especially if your heater seemed to be gasping at the finish the line this winter. If you are considering a heating replacement in Springfield, VT, now is a great time to schedule that service. (more…)

What Are the Signs of a Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

It is going to be a little while longer before homeowners in this area are running their whole-house cooling systems with any real regularity. Once the hottest time of the year is really upon us, though, it is important that you are able to use your air conditioner effectively and reliably. In order to guarantee that this is the case, you need to be able to spot the signs of problems so that you can schedule any necessary repairs as soon as possible. One common problem that homeowners may encounter with their ACs is a refrigerant leak. If you notice any of these warning signs, contact us to schedule AC repairs in Springfield, VT right away. (more…)

Need a New AC? Why Not Go Ductless?

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Here in Vermont, summer can really take its time to get rolling. When it does, though, it can bring the heat and the humidity with the best of’em. If you want to keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the hottest time of the year, you need more than a great AC system. You also need great AC technicians to install and service that system, and you’ll fine them when you work with the pros on our staff. If you are thinking about replacing your home cooling system before summer gets going, or if you’ve been relying upon window units to cool your home thus far, we recommend that you serious consider a ductless mini split heat pump in Springfield, VT. (more…)

Don’t Forget to Have Your Ductless Split Heat Pump Tuned-Up

Monday, March 7th, 2016

This has been another fairly mild winter for this part of the country, but any Vermonter can tell you that March does not mean warm weather. We’ve got a good bit of cold ahead of us, and you are no doubt still running your ductless split heat pump in Springfield, VT quite regularly. Just remember that, when the warmer weather does finally start to settle in, you cannot simply switch your system over to its cooling mode and hope for the best. Your ductless mini split system has been working hard to help you to heat your home efficiently throughout the winter season, and a tune-up is in order before you put it back to work for the cooling season. (more…)