Posts Tagged ‘heater’

How Ductless Heating Benefits Homeowners

Monday, November 4th, 2019

ductless-technicianIf you are considering the installation or replacement of a heater in Bellows Falls, VT, then you should definitely give a ductless mini split some thought. Sure, lots of homes in our area stand by their furnaces, boilers, and even wood or pellet stoves, but who’s to say that something a bit newer in design isn’t exactly what you’re looking for. After all, you’ll simply never know what it is that you’re missing out on if you fail to explore your options!

In today’s post, we’ll be digging a bit further into how ductless heating actually works, and how its design and operation can benefit homeowners. Is this the right heating system for every home?  No—but then, there is no single heater that can claim to be! After all, if there were any singular heater that best suited every home, you wouldn’t have so many different options demanding your attention! Be sure to contact us when you need heating services of any kind. (more…)

Keep Your Heating Costs in Check This Winter

Monday, October 21st, 2019

don't-forgetWhen you live in the Southern Vermont or New Hampshire areas, you know what’s ahead of you when winter starts to settle in. You’re going to be up early shoveling out the cars. You’re going to be driving home in the dark after work, as days get increasingly shorter. And you’re going to be running your heater a whole lot. It’s that last point that we want to talk about today.

We’re not going to offer to chauffeur you around or shovel out your vehicles, but we can help to keep your heating costs manageable. There are a few things that we can do, and a few tips that we can share to help you maximize savings. And no, don’t worry. We’re not going to suggest that you reign things in at the thermostat and trade off your comfort for energy savings. Keep this information in mind, and reach out to our heating professionals with any questions that you may have.


Get Your Heater Back in Shape!

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

heating-technicianThere are obviously parts of the country that are still pretty warm right now.  New Hampshire obviously isn’t located in one of those parts. Sure, we’ve got some warm weather to come, but anyone can tell that the hottest days of the year are firmly behind us. And any can also tell that the coldest nights of the year are getting closer! Is your heater ready to ensure that your home is warm and cozy throughout the winter season?

The only way that you can really count on your heater, no matter how cold it may be outside, is if you do everything in your power to keep that heater in the best working condition possible. That’s where our technicians come in. When you work with our team, your heater will get the attention that it needs to truly excel in its operation. Let us know if you have any concerns, and let our pros handle your HVAC services in New Hampshire.


Spring Is Coming—but Heating Repairs Can’t Wait!

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Don’t let thoughts of spring lull you into a false sense of heater security!

Okay, so we are going to have to make another slog through mud season before spring arrives. Still, it feels close, doesn’t it? Especially after this winter? It’ll be so nice to put the shovels away! To get rid of the lingering salt and sand! To shut off the heater for the—well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Even clear and sunny days, even those this close to spring, can come with some very cold temperatures around here.

The fact of the matter is that you’re going to need your heater for a bit longer.  And that means that you need your heater to be functioning properly for a bit longer. And that means that you cannot afford to turn a blind eye to any problems with your home heating system, even if it is getting pretty late in the heating season. Any and all heating repairs in Southern Vermont need to be handled swiftly, regardless of the date!


Replacing Your Heater? Consider a Heat Pump!

Monday, February 25th, 2019

couple-by-fireChances are that you are ready for winter to be over at this point. It doesn’t matter if you like skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing, etc. Sometimes, enough is enough. And for many, this winter has been enough! The good news is that the worst of the winter weather is likely behind us. That doesn’t mean that there’s not still plenty of cold weather to come before mud season gets underway, though. You need to keep your heater in the rotation for the time being.

Now, that being said, you may want to start looking forward toward a heating replacement. And if you’re thinking about replacing your heater in Woodstock, VT, then you should definitely be thinking about using a heat pump in the future. Heat pumps have come a long way over the years, and they are more viable than ever in even very cold climates. If you’re not certain how a heat pump works, or if you can really trust one to handle the cold in this part of the country, then this blog’s for you! (more…)

A Short Cycling Heater Is Not “Good Enough”

Monday, January 14th, 2019

just-right-temperatureThere are areas in this country where the heating system is not nearly as important as the air conditioner. Even in those areas with consistently cool weather in the winter season, the heater is not always a top priority. It can be easy to overlook issues with one’s heater as attention is diverted to more pressing matters. Here in Vermont and throughout the northeast, of course, few matters are more pressing than heating issues during a frigid winter cold snap.

Even so, some people do seem to take a “good enough” attitude when it comes to their home heating systems. Don’t fall into this trap! If your heater in Southern Vermont is not functioning properly in any way, you may be on the precipice of a slippery slope. Once you start sliding down that slope, it can be extremely difficult to stop the descent. Work with our team to have any necessary heating repairs in Ludlow completed as soon as possible. (more…)

What Are the Benefits of Using a Boiler?

Monday, December 17th, 2018

question-markIt’s a little late in the game to be having a new heater installed around here. The cold of winter came pretty early this year, and it doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. So, hopefully, you’ve already got yourself a great heater installed in your home. If your existing heater is giving you trouble, though, or if you’re just planning ahead to a replacement come springtime, this may be the post you’ve been waiting for. Don’t rush the decision-making process.

If you’re serious about replacing your heater, or if you’re deciding on a new system for a new home that you’ll be breaking ground on when the ground is breakable once more, a boiler in Bellows Falls may be just what you’re after. Boilers are the very definition of an “oldie but a goody”. Read on to learn more about the many benefits that you’ll enjoy when you choose to heat your home with a boiler—and leave its installation and service to us!


Ice on My Heat Pump: Should I Be Concerned?

Monday, November 19th, 2018

iciclesMaybe. We apologize for not giving a solid answer right off the bat, but the fact is that giving a solid answer would require a lot more information. The reason? There are a few different potential causes of ice developing on a heat pump. It may not always be a major issue, but it certainly can be. The fact that it may be a problem with a relatively simple solution should not lull you into a false sense of security.

When it comes to your heater in Bellows Falls, VT, you always want to know that it is functioning properly. Even “minor” issues can lead to serious problems when you experience winters as cold as ours. Heat pump technology has come a long way over the years but, like any other technology, it has its limitations. You’re going to need repairs at some point. When that time comes, you can always count on our heating technicians to get your system back on track.


What’s the Cause of My Heating Inefficiency?

Monday, November 5th, 2018

money-chimneyHeating a home in Southern Vermont doesn’t always come cheap.  There are a lot of great heating systems out there that have outstanding efficiency ratings.  There are also ways in which to improve efficiency by improving your home itself. That being said, you still may run into higher heating costs than you anticipated at the start of the heating season. Whether your heater has significantly dropped off in overall efficiency or you just have a hunch that you’re paying more than you should,  there are a few factors to consider.

In today’s post, we’ll explore some of the potential causes behind reduced heating efficiency in Woodstock. We’ll also clue you in on some ways in which you can resolve those problems. With our help, you’ll be heating your home in a more affordable manner in no time. Winters around here are too long and way too cold to compromise when it comes to heating energy efficiency. Keep more money in the bank while keeping your home cozy. (more…)

Forced Air Heaters Need Fresh Filters

Monday, October 8th, 2018

cold-couple-couchThis summer may have felt like a long one at points, but it is time once again to turn our attention turn our heaters here in Vermont. And if you use a forced air heating system in your home, such as a furnace or an air-source heat pump, then you need to make sure that you have a fresh air filter in place. The last thing that you want is to face problems with your home heating experience due to keeping a dirty filter in your heater.

While most heating maintenance in Southern Vermont is going to require the skill and expertise that only trained professionals can offer,  that doesn’t mean that this simple maintenance step should go unfulfilled. Simple does mean inconsequential in this instance, and the fact is that changing your air filter regularly is the best possible thing that you can do for your heater on your own. So read on, keep your filter in mind, and make sure that you’re able to live warm and comfortably this winter. (more…)