Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Don’t Let Heating Repairs Sneak Up on You This Year

Monday, September 7th, 2020

couple-by-fireIt was a beautiful summer in Vermont this year, but if you’ve been out and about in the morning or evening hours recently, you know that it’s coming to a close. The fall temperatures are coming back around, and we know that a lot of you are welcoming them with open arms. Less welcoming may be your attitude toward the winter season. No matter how you feel about it, one thing is for sure—it’s coming. Is your heater ready to handle the frigid temperatures again?

If you want to be sure of this, you need to schedule routine heating maintenance with our team. That will get your heater back into fighting condition. However, even the best maintained systems will still run into problems. It’s just the reality of the situation. That’s why we want to remind you of some early warning signs that your system is in trouble. When you know what those sounds of trouble look (or smell or sound!) like, then you’ll know it’s time for heater repair in Londonderry, VT. (more…)

Take a Look Back At Your Heater’s Performance This Year

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Green Grass? Flowers? We’ll Get There Soon!

When it comes to using our heaters in Southern Vermont, we are definitely not in the clear just yet. While other areas in the country are looking at cold temperatures in the rearview mirror, we’ve still got plenty of chilly days and nights to deal with. The end is close, though, if not quite in sight just yet. That makes now the perfect time to start making an honest assessment of your heating system, its overall performance, and your overall satisfaction with that performance.

We’re not saying that you should only focus on the negative here, of course. It’s possible that you were totally satisfied with your system, as you have been in years past, and a little routine maintenance prior to next season is all you’ll need to get back into it. However, you may also start to realize that things are quite meeting your expectations when it comes to your home heating experience. That’s when you contact us!


Consider a Wood Pellet Conversion!

Monday, February 24th, 2020

snow-houseWe know, we know. You’ve got a heater in place. Why mess with a good thing? Well, let us ask you this—are you sure that you’ve really got as good of a thing going as you think you do? Because if you’re using, say, oil to fuel your furnace or your boiler, then there is a pretty strong argument to be made that using wood pellets in New Hampshire could give you a better thing.

We’re not here to knock the use of oil in heating one’s home, of course. We install a lot of oil-burning systems, and we deliver a lot of home heating oil. Ultimately, you may decide that sticking with oil is the right move for your home and your home heating needs. In order to make an informed decision, though, you need some information. And that is the point of today’s post. So read on, and be sure to reach out to our team with any questions that you may have. (more…)

Why Invest in a Wood Stove?

Monday, January 27th, 2020

wood stoveThere are certain places where the idea of using a wood stove to heat one’s home might seem a bit quaint. Those of us here in the northeast know that the good old wood stove is a tried and true system, though. Simple as the wood stove may be, however, it is always necessary to schedule your wood stove services with skilled, trained professionals. We’ll make sure that your wood stove can handle your needs, and we’ll ensure proper ventilation.

Wood stoves in New Hampshire will most likely never go out of fashion, as they have many benefits to homeowners that even other, new types of heating systems can’t match. That’s what we’re going to be focusing on today. So read on, and remember that the home energy professionals on our team are here to answer any further questions that you may have. With our help, you’ll find the wood stove that’s perfect for your need, and you’ll be able to use it safely and effectively. (more…)

Heating FAQ: Why Choose Wood Pellets?

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

daughter-mother-snowIn this day and age, you’d have to be an exceedingly choosy customer to claim that there aren’t enough heating options available to you. In fact, we’d go so far as to suggest that there are actually so many different options to choose from that the real trouble is simply narrowing down your heating options. One that you certainly should not overlook is the burning of wood pellets in New Hampshire. You’d be missing out in doing so.

While there is no single heating option that will best suit everyone—there wouldn’t be so many different options if this were the case—it is tough to argue against the many benefits that a wood pellet stove has to offer. What kinds of benefits, you ask? Well, that just so happens to be the subject of today’s post! Keep the following information in mind, and let a member of our team know if you’re ready to expand your heating experience into the wood pellet realm.


Don’t Forget About Your Heater’s Filter!

Monday, November 18th, 2019

filterWhen you live in Vermont, you have to deal with the winter season.  It’s coming around each and every year,  and when it comes around, it can really stick around. But you don’t need us to tell you that our winters can be pretty intense. What you might need reminding of, though, is one of the most effective ways in which you can set your forced air heater up for success. That is by changing the air filter as needed. What does “as needed” mean in this case?

Well, typically, it means every 1-3 months.  That’s not a hard and fast rule, as some homes will require changes more frequently. However, no home should really push it beyond that 3 month mark. Why is changing the filter so important? That’s the focus of today’s post, so just keep reading to learn more. Suffice to say, it has major implications for your heater in Ludlow. Don’t put this critical system at risk.


How Ductless Heating Benefits Homeowners

Monday, November 4th, 2019

ductless-technicianIf you are considering the installation or replacement of a heater in Bellows Falls, VT, then you should definitely give a ductless mini split some thought. Sure, lots of homes in our area stand by their furnaces, boilers, and even wood or pellet stoves, but who’s to say that something a bit newer in design isn’t exactly what you’re looking for. After all, you’ll simply never know what it is that you’re missing out on if you fail to explore your options!

In today’s post, we’ll be digging a bit further into how ductless heating actually works, and how its design and operation can benefit homeowners. Is this the right heating system for every home?  No—but then, there is no single heater that can claim to be! After all, if there were any singular heater that best suited every home, you wouldn’t have so many different options demanding your attention! Be sure to contact us when you need heating services of any kind. (more…)

Keep Your Heating Costs in Check This Winter

Monday, October 21st, 2019

don't-forgetWhen you live in the Southern Vermont or New Hampshire areas, you know what’s ahead of you when winter starts to settle in. You’re going to be up early shoveling out the cars. You’re going to be driving home in the dark after work, as days get increasingly shorter. And you’re going to be running your heater a whole lot. It’s that last point that we want to talk about today.

We’re not going to offer to chauffeur you around or shovel out your vehicles, but we can help to keep your heating costs manageable. There are a few things that we can do, and a few tips that we can share to help you maximize savings. And no, don’t worry. We’re not going to suggest that you reign things in at the thermostat and trade off your comfort for energy savings. Keep this information in mind, and reach out to our heating professionals with any questions that you may have.


Spring Is Coming—but Heating Repairs Can’t Wait!

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Don’t let thoughts of spring lull you into a false sense of heater security!

Okay, so we are going to have to make another slog through mud season before spring arrives. Still, it feels close, doesn’t it? Especially after this winter? It’ll be so nice to put the shovels away! To get rid of the lingering salt and sand! To shut off the heater for the—well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Even clear and sunny days, even those this close to spring, can come with some very cold temperatures around here.

The fact of the matter is that you’re going to need your heater for a bit longer.  And that means that you need your heater to be functioning properly for a bit longer. And that means that you cannot afford to turn a blind eye to any problems with your home heating system, even if it is getting pretty late in the heating season. Any and all heating repairs in Southern Vermont need to be handled swiftly, regardless of the date!


Furnace Problems: What Are Some Red Flags?

Monday, January 28th, 2019

dog-blanketWe took a beating with a heavy snowstorm just this past week, and the frigid temperatures that followed prove once again just how reliant we really are on our home heating systems here in Southern Vermont. If you have any concerns at all about your heater, including your furnace in Bellows Falls or the surrounding area, then you really do need to take prompt action. The longer that you wait to schedule any necessary furnace repairs, the worse off your system is likely to be.

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, then you’ve certainly seen us address this topic before. It is one that we like to come back to from time to time, though, because you never know when problems with your furnace are going to strike! And, frankly, it is easy to “forget” what you’ve read previously when the time comes to really apply the situation. Scheduling immediately furnace repair may not be “convenient,” but it is much more convenient than scheduling emergency repairs when your system breaks down!
