Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Don’t Let Your Pipes Freeze Up This Winter!

Monday, December 31st, 2018

Living in the Northeast means a lot of things. The beautiful North Woods. The ocean. The seasons. Winter. Ice. Frozen pipes. Okay, we went on a bit of a decline there at the end, but the fact is that, for all the benefits of living around here, there are some drawbacks. Sure, we can be on the beaches of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts in a few hours—but we may also run into frozen pipes during our frigid Vermont winters.

Do you know how to mitigate the risk of frozen and burst pipes in your home? If not, you’re about to learn! The plumbers on our team are happy to help in any way we can and, sometimes, that just means sharing valuable information with our clients. So read on, discover some of the ways in which you can avoid frozen pipes, and let us know if you run into any trouble. We are available for any plumbing repairs you need.


Avoiding Clogged Drains in Your Home

Monday, July 30th, 2018

drainWhen homeowners run into problems with the systems in their homes, the last thing that they want to hear is an accusation that they themselves are to blame for the problem. The fact of the matter is, though, that many instances of clogged drains are actually the direct result of user oversight. Can being more careful completely eliminate the risk of clogged drains in your home? Of course not. Will it help to limit the occurrence of clogged drains? You bet.

Our plumbers in New Hampshire have some tips to help you avoid clogged drains in your home. As you’ll see, most of these tips are really quite simple. It is often the most simple things in life that are overlooked, however, so we think that this reminder is well worth the read! Be sure to put these practices into place, and remember that we are here to help if you do encounter clogged drains in your home. (more…)

Common Signs of Water Leaks

Monday, April 9th, 2018

pipe-wrenchWe wish that we could tell you that there is a way in which you can completely avoid the risk of water leaks in your plumbing system. Unfortunately, this is just not the case. In fact, chances are that you will encounter a water leak of some kind at some point. There are a lot of pipes in your home, and even those made of the best materials and have been expertly installed will not last forever. This brings us to an important question—how do you know if you have a water leak?

Learning to spot the signs of a water leak early on can really help you to avoid serious damage to your home. Like we said, there are a lot of pipes in your plumbing system. There are also a lot of pipes that you cannot see in your plumbing system. It is not as simple as just giving your pipes a visual inspection from time to time. Protect your plumbing in Acworth, NH by being on the lookout for signs that your system has sprung a leak.


Plumbing FAQ: Do I have a Gas Leak?

Monday, March 12th, 2018

gas-burnersGenerally speaking, the use of natural gas is quite safe in this day and age. We have the materials and the techniques to ensure that gas is delivered to your home and its appliances safely, and that it is combusted properly. As is the case with any plumbing system, however, there is the potential for something to go wrong with your natural gas delivery or combustion systems. Should this happen, you really need to act fast to have the problem resolved.

Natural gas, like all combustible fuels, can be dangerous if it is not used properly every step of the way on your property. When you schedule any plumbing services in New Hampshire—and yes, natural gas piping requires a qualified plumber—you need to know that you are working with trained professionals. Working with us guarantees that. Your safety and complete satisfaction are our top priorities. So let’s take a look at some warning signs that you’ve run into a gas leak.


Professional Plumbers Pinpoint Leaks Promptly

Monday, February 26th, 2018

leaking-pipeThere are a lot of reasons why you may hire a professional plumber in Springfield, VT.  Maybe you have a ruptured pipe that is spraying water everywhere. Maybe you need a new water heater installed. Whatever plumbing services that you may need, it is obviously going to be in your best interest to schedule those services with skilled, trained professionals—especially if you’re  not even sure what the problem may be or where it might originate. This is often the case with water leaks.

Sure, there are those plumbing leaks that develop in pipes that are exposed and which may even be in your line of vision on a regular basis. The fact is, however, that there is far more to your plumbing system than meets the eye. Because so much of your plumbing is hidden from view, it only makes sense that leaks may develop out of your sight line from time to time. When that happens, you’re going to want to call in the cavalry for professional leak detection services.


Plumbing Tips for Avoiding Frozen Pipes

Monday, January 15th, 2018


Winters can be brutal in our neck of the woods, and the recent cold snap was even colder than we’re generally accustomed to. Sure, there’ll be a January thaw before temperatures drop back down once again, but it is only a brief respite in an otherwise bitterly cold season. While a thaw is always nice, one thing you don’t want to have to thaw out is your plumbing system. It is much better to prevent your pipes from freezing in the first place.

Frozen pipes are not at all uncommon in this part of the country during this time of the year, and the truth is that there really isn’t a way to guarantee that you’ll never encounter the problem in your home. The good news, however, is that there are precautionary measures that you can take to at least reduce the risk of your pipes freeze up. Here are some tips to help you protect your plumbing in Chester, VT.


Now Is a Good Time to Replace That Sump Pump

Monday, December 5th, 2016

With winter rapidly approaching and the first few snowfalls already behind us, many homeowners are thinking more and more about their heating systems. We are happy to handle all of your heating services for you, of course, but there are other systems in your home that you cannot afford to ignore. Your plumbing system, for one. (more…)

Protect Your Pipes This Winter

Monday, September 5th, 2016

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when dealing with the winter season in Vermont. Getting the driveway cleared before it’s impassable, ensuring you’ve got enough fuel and wood on-hand, and so much more. One facet of life in the harsh New England winter season is protecting your plumbing system, as well. Too often, homeowners find themselves dealing with burst pipes, and the many headaches they can cause.

Truth be told, there is really no way in which you can hope to completely eliminate the risk of frozen pipes in your home. There are plenty of ways in which you can minimize the risk of encountering such problems, though. Contact a member of our staff immediately if you encounter any trouble with frozen pipes in Charlestown, NH or Southern VT. (more…)

Is My Water Line Leaking?

Monday, July 11th, 2016

The plumbing system that distributes potable water through your home and disposes of wastewater when its purpose has been served is incredibly important. It is your water line that is responsible for bringing that water to your home to begin with. Needless to say, any issues with water line leaks in Springfield, VT are very serious, and require prompt repairs.

Of course, before you can go about scheduling any necessary water line repairs, you must first recognize that your water line is in trouble to begin with. Here are  a few potential warning signs that you’ve got a water leak on your property. Contact us the moment that you suspect an issue has developed. (more…)

When to Schedule Professional Leak Detection Services

Monday, June 6th, 2016

Your plumbing system moves a lot of water throughout your home each and every day. It is also responsible for removing waste and wastewater from your home in a hygienic, reliable manner. If you want to avoid serious damages to your home resulting from leaks in this plumbing system, then scheduling prompt leak detection services at the first sign of trouble is a must. There are some leaks where the source of the problem is very obvious. Other leaks, though, may be much more difficult to pinpoint with certainty. Our plumbers have the tools and training that they need to complete your leak detection services in Woodstock, VT successfully, so call today.  (more…)